
yep.  all those extra pins flying around represent a danger of being hit by debris. 

This is the elephant in the room. The Tesla Roaster is traveling towards mars at approximately 26,000 miles an hour. Who needs 1,500 hp when you have the vacuum of space and a lot of momentum?

Last week I bowled a 147.  I could have bowled a 300 but I chose not to.

Last time I was in Vegas, the road was indeed covered in leaves.
But all the leaves had pictures of naked women on them. It was absolutely as weird as it sounds.

I don't know how it is done in real life, but in Need For Speed, they call for back up ... 

I think you meant to do this:

But still, national shipping companies can leverage the savings from areas where self-driving trucks operate better, and save the more difficult routes for human drivers, all while lowering shipping rate (or making more money)

lol, I remember that one.  Unfortunately if someone tried that here in Texas, there would be gunfire and blood in the back seat.  Sad times.

A lot of things are also only stupid in retrospect, with 30-40 odd years of additional experience.

Kinda sounds like they were doing A/B (C) testing to see if American consumers would take to the Civic. By offering the stupid sedan option they were hedging their bets that people turned off by “not sedan” would have a choice.

I heard North Korea censors BBC.

Anytime I want to view things from an Asian country, it’s always pixelated...DAMMIT.

Counterpoint: 6 speed manual.

Could they replicate the fires though??

Could they replicate the fires though??

992 GT3 RS with side exhausts!!!

^^^ This guy markets.

I don’t think this was a good way for Koenigsegg to correct the record. They should have tweeted, “Quick jump on this One:1 before Bonham’s figures out how much it’s really worth”... which would have alerted Koenigsegg’s Saudi clientele, that follow their Twitter page, this auction is coming up and they need to bid

You’re deranged.