
If that were my home, I’d be fed up with the Fed Ex driver.

Fed Ex driver may soon be an Ex Fed Ex driver.

That’s the first time anyone has said “high speed” in reference to an Elio. Congrats.

The only reason the Macan was so close was because the M2 is so heavy.

Everyone’s goals are different.

Garbage and mail/parcel delivery trucks are prime EV candidates. Short-ish routes that take a long time, and spend all night in a controlled lot so they can recharge at the reduced overnight utility rates... match made in heaven.

next time ask him if it covers you when you leave Cars and Coffee.

“Do you know how far away I was from being my high school valedictorian? My high school valedictorian went to Yale and is currently in medical school. I’m sitting in my bedroom eating Doritos and writing about mail I get. That’s how far.”

“If you get your willy out, it’s the funniest thing in the world. Everybody laughs” ....Your Mileage May Vary...

Those who saw Evans expose himself said that it was no big deal.

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Funny, washing is one of my favorite things about having a car!

Really? Going to the authorities instead of kicking her mirrors off and assaulting her isn’t going to change the perception of bikers?

Retired Marshawn is a fucking national treasure.

I cant stand Sabine. I know she has a racing pedigree from here to the moon and she is a ring goddess, but god is her delivery is painful as fuck to listen to.

One of the only reasons I give this rumor any kind of weight is because it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that LeBlanc is so flat on set because he’s sick of the working situation.

watched the first new top gear:
- dont like chris evans
- sabine looks interesting and capable
- leblanc has so much charm it makes up for his lack of britishness
- where is chris harris and why doesnt he get 5 min per episode
- chris evans is starting to annoy me
- miss the “news of the week” section
- not much into the new

I really thought when you said “Here let me help you.” you were going to turn off the car and throw the keys away.

TGAC(Top Gear After Clarkson) is horrible. It has nothing to do with the hosts although the Screaming Guy does suck pretty bad. It’s more the producing and writing. I bet you could take an old script and run the Joey and Screaming Guy through it and it would be a decent show. Obviously that won’t work as we’ve seen

That picture still terrifies me.