  1. Harris made the most effective TG review of the current edition. Not only did it get me worked up about the car, it also got me attached to it. The review was compelling, the trip with the 250 TdF was mesmerizing, and HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT CAR GO!!! Too bad the F12tdf didn’t get a Power Lap down (the R8 is a bygone

https://vid.me/eHOS Two years ago Nico was in Lewis’ position and there were similar consequences for the driver on the outside.

It’s like we need their self destructive tendencies to make it interesting.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

Agreed! I’m from NZ but Clarkson, Hammond and May were able to make the news interesting just from their own perspective and take on things. I have a very similar thing with an Xbox podcast; I’m not in the Xbox pool, but I love that podcast because the hosts have interesting and well-informed opinions that they aren’t

I actually enjoyed the news segment because it was nothing but witty banter between hosts.

Too scripted, fake challenges (laser guns? you mean shitty fighter style HUD added with after effects), fake crowd laughing and cheering at every sentence and worse of all, no news segment.

My notes:

Because her car show in Germany did so well.......

Skip season 1 and 2 altogether. They said screw it to copy top gear, and made it all adventure based. Tanner and Rutt are great, but Adam is still... a sticking point. Start with season 3 for sure.

Chris Evans has had 24 years to grow into the job of not being horrible, please don’t hold your breath.

It’s like 70% of what the other show was. Chris Evans has no charm (at least compared to the other three). The shots aren’t as beautiful as the others were. Joey is quite good actually, but they don’t seem to know a lot about cars (Clarkson uses a lot of metaphores that I liked a lot and really knew how to communicate

There are three different charging standards, only one of them is SAE compliant. All of them are great, but adding another is just annoying.

On that front, maybe. It’s not like Intel and the other crowd weren’t pushing that direction as well. Their decisive resistance to all things USB for phones and tablets is more my issue and I think more related to the issues here.

Because if there was ever a company that believed in creating a global and universal standard, it’s Apple...

I laughed.


For once, I’d like a country’s upper management to have a sense of humor.

The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.