
No, it wasn’t.

Thats probably because these flatbed operators torque the car enough to keep it from coming loose then add another 67 pounds of down force for “good measure”. I assume you are asking this because his front end in the one pic looks like he “hellaflushed” the car.

I second that. The EPA has much more important things to do then crack down on race cars. If the rule has been in place for this long and they haven’t done anything I’m guessing they don’t find it a huge problem.

The seats really help capture the drama of the crash.

Excellent camera work in that twitter post.

Why the hate for lane-splitting? I’ve never understood it. Are you just jealous or mad because someone is getting “ahead of you”. Be honest. BTW I dont ride a bike.

“Look, the Confederacy lost. It’s not going to “rise again”

My sentiments exactly. Hell would freeze over before I side with Putin, but it’s getting chilly lately.

Sure. But then the GPS comes into play. If people are gonna cheat they will.

Same here. It seems like the real issue is that people think that phones are more fragile than they are. I have friends who spend the life of their phone staring at a constantly scratched screen protector when the gorilla glass screen never would’ve scratched in the first place.

It doesn't matter what it was before we invaded. We invaded under false pretenses and for questionable reasons and now the region is on fire.

I’ve posted this before, but I’m going to do it again. This should be the most important diagram that any rally spectator should be looking at. But unfortunately, a lot of people are happy to throw all caution out the window.

“America, Fuck Yeah”

While definitely in “too soon” territory, I was both afraid someone would make this joke, and afraid someone wouldn’t.

Can this video please go viral? It would be nice to have more positive news involving police activity. Especially since it covers the non-criminal related work they do every single day.

The biker deserves a fucking medal and his reaction should be taught as an example of the ideal way to handle shit like this.

I can’t comment about cars but perhaps my experience bears some weight to the experience thing. I used to race mowers ( riding mowers ) on a dirt track. These were heavily modified and good for 50-60MPH or so. These were not easy to drive or handle. Anyway time and again we would have someone show up with some

I think the Mercedes pulled out of the construction site on the right, you can see him slam on his brakes just as he gets to the beginning of the construction site (which I’d estimate at 50m long if I had to assume. In the next 5 seconds or so, the Mercedes probably could get to where he was.

“This jackass pulled out in front of me like he didn’t expect me to be driving 120 mph on a two-lane country road.”