
You’re the reason Jalop is worth checking out every few days.

That headbutt was priceless

Its all just so stupid. When I was a kid I would tape every F1 race...many of which I still have...plus I would wake up at 6:30 am to watch every race.

I have no sympathy for anyone who gets to ride in a 918, nevermind owning one.


VW, listen to Torch, your font was the least of your problems.

Sic transit Futura for something that looks like everything else. This is a sad day for typography and advertising.

People can ride with any number of motorcycle gangs, okay? They become a member of the Cossacks MC for the atmosphere and the attitude. Okay? That’s what the flair’s about. It’s about fun.

Headlines lost to history: “Russian, Japanese Forces Decimate Poles”

Ah, go-karts. One of many preferred gathering places of car nerds everywhere. Go-karts are such a nice, relaxing

A Silver (Arrows) Platter

have you seen his twitter profile picture?

You’ll have to beat me first. I currently hold the record and my username is “POO”.

I’m going to get a high score and enter my initials as ASS

So much WTF going on here.

If you want to keep something bone stock, good luck. If you’re really determined, though, the hardware behind most of the electronics can be emulated with other devices like a Raspberry Pi. So the question is how difficult the software operations will be to reproduce. And importantly, how much of a community there is

Psst, $kaycog is a woman:

The plane scene, how long was that runway again?!
