
I figure he was just afraid of the basement for some reason, or was told to never go there under any circumstances by his boss, and didn't want to tell me that.

I think an even easier way to prevent it getting out of control would be a federal law forbidding any of these collected fines from being spent locally and have them instead be fed into a federal program like infrastructure maintenance. No more local incentive to increase quotas . Couple that with, say, an interest

I once got a speeding ticket in Upstate New York (I totally deserved it, it was doing something like 70 in a 55). The ticket, was around $150 or something. The taxes and fees and New York State Fuck Barrel, drove that ticket up to over $700. $300 of which I could save if I went to "Traffic School" in freaking Albany,

We have a term we like to use in our family. We call it "being pulled over poor".

Ha me too. It's not a good day if I don't bank into the limiter.

Engines of all types are designed for a certain level of load. A performance engine is going to be designed to ingest a certain amount of fuel and air during use. If you baby the shit out of your V10 and it's barely breathing this is what you get.

Yeah like....literally fucking anywhere. Or you know, around town in first gear haha.

What a shame to not live by this rule!

Drive M3? Damn BMW trolls.

Shit, if I didn't buy it, I'd at least stop making fun of modern VW's for a while.

dat BDA wail

You sure that this picture doesn't need a NSFW tag?

It looks like a fuckkin world of pain, that's what it looks like.

Helps put this hangar in perspective.

Here's an image for scale.

"I don't go to the track because I can't afford track days. I need to save the money for new racing slicks."

Holy Shit! Who goes street racing with slicks. If there is such a thing as "pre-meditated street racing", this is it. I hope they catch these guys.

where can I send my money for more of this