
I can't watch the video at work... but is that a sharpied Mustang logo and misspelled Ferrari on a red t-shirt?!?!?! I want one!!!

I lost my shit at the Italian Mario accent. And again at "grand prickses."

Where can I get that shirt?

sequentials with dog cut gears.

Good. I'm glad they're taking this shit seriously. It's a city, not a fucking farm. Find a way to use public transportation.

Queens dont drive?

For those of you who cannot understand Steven's question due to his British accent, allow me to sum it up: he's asking why we, as Americans, refuse to drive tiny little cars with 37-horsepower 1.3-liter diesels like they have in Europe.

Why would you have to marry ?

I laughed so hard at the E-Series Cutaway RS.

"Unlike the doors, the hood, this isn't a panel you can just unbolt"

I'm much more interested in seeing the repair bill.

My god, this will make an amazing urinal.

Is it ignorant (and/or grim) to think these tactics might also be in place to protect intel?

Please do not beat children.

Well, if there's one thing we've proven, it's that one-size-fits-all platforms definitely save money and simplify procurement. It's definitely the way to go.


Fucking do it.

Threats against peoples lives should never be taken lightly, it only takes one lunatic. Also with how bitterly toxic and unhinged people related to games have been this year, I really wouldn't take that as an empty threat.