
No. The perfect track starter is something slow enough that you can't cover up your mistakes with a heavy throttle. You want something that will help you figure out what you are doing wrong, not cover up your errors with electronic assistance and 20 gillion HP. It should be relatively inexpensive, so that WHEN (not

2.5M and you don't even get a godamn engine? What is the world coming to...

Good thing they had those wood pieces. Had they not and the front splitter hit the ground it probably would have burst into flame.

You mean the section with the roll cage? ;)

Or, maybe they would do less of those things because of the newly perceived danger associated with a narrower lane. The wider lanes is what allows them to pull that sort of shitshow stunts.

I'm not convinced the best spokesman for a faster, more dangerous brand of motorsport is a guy who had his face burned off racing a car.

So much simplicity in that cabin!

Many times people believe they are "cut-off" when they were not. In Orange County, Ca drivers often treat the very act of lane changing in front of them as being cut-off. Some drivers insist on never being passed up and will accelerate to close the gap once they see a turn signal flash.

what is that you say?

Wasn't Android phones insanely criticized for being so big but in the Asian markets they dominate because they love phablets and it sells in great numbers. Now Apple gets this rolling and everyone is accepting? Insane. My Nexus 5 is the perfect size, I don't need any bigger, it's too much.

It is apple, never put everything you can in a phone so you have enough for next years phone.

That's what she said.

Chevrolet SSR.

Finally after all these years that poor innocent pelican is off the hook.

I'd have collected those details, might as well give the person a headache for being so ignorant.

"Wow! This new zoom lens really makes it look like the cars are right in front of me! It's almost as if I could just reach out and touch it..."

I don't think he even had a microgiveashit on him. See, you measure in fucks, but when the fuck isn't small enough, you go to microgiveashits which are the millimeters in fucks.

This is awesome! Love to see Police interact with the community in a positive way. In my neighborhood in Toronto there's a park where cops patrol regularly (close to a low income community), sometimes I see them playing Hockey (cause Canada) and basketball with the kids.