
“Canadian bacon” is an American name for that product, it’s not something Canadians call it. The only instance you’ll find with that name is somewhere like McDonalds, since they don’t change their terminology. In my experience, Canadians are generally perplexed by the name. Bacon is bacon, and this isn’t what we call

“Canadian bacon” is an American name for that product, it’s not something Canadians call it. The only instance

The first that comes to mind is a classic Mini. Something like this one:

As a Canadian, I just want to apologize for this horribly violent incident. As you can see in the footage, neither of those involved had their Timmies that morning.

While it remains to be seen how closely Lorne Michaels would be following Canadian television these days, the fact remains that This Hour Has 22 Minutes is not an obscure comedy show on some obscure cable channel. It’s a long-running CBC programme that, love it or leave it — Conservatives tend to loathe it — is a

It may seem pedantic, but there’s a surprising division between “Mini” owners and “MINI” owners.

Did you ever watch News Radio? I seem to recall “shake your bunny maker” and “everyone’s gone bitchcakes” as phrases they decided to start.

I've lurked here for a long time and finally decided to comment on this piece. For everyone saying we aces are just special snowflakes, well, it's easy to say that labels don't matter when you actually have one.

I'm 36 and just discovered that asexuality is a valid label a couple of years ago. When I was in school, it

As an asexual person, some of comments already popping up on this article are extremely disheartening. I spent 20plus years of my life trying to fit in with my peers as they discovered sex and sexuality and so on. I literally felt broken; 'why hasn't it happened to me yet?' The conversations about what one finds


Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

The song, if anyone's interested, is "Me and My Uncle"—written by the Mamas & the Papas, but most famously performed by the Grateful Dead. I may get trolled to Fuckdom and back for saying this, but this video perfectly captures how I felt at my first Dead show.

"Unless you're fat or attracted to a fat person or persons (and not in a Drake trying to be cute way), just shut your mouth about BBWs."

I find the growing trend of responding to overambitious male feminism and similar conversational phenomena with "just stay silent if you don't identify X way" to be VERY

Naw, not in this case. When shit needs to get done, we don't care if we hurt your feelings or break something

For anyone who loves to hate on this series, and has plenty of free time, I highly recommend this reader's guide. It is hilarious, and so true. Fred has been dissecting this series since 2003! http://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktiv…

The "uproar" is that they don't say that lots of men don't like stats, just that women don't. That, my friend, is misogyny. I can name 20 guys who could care less about stats, so why not title the article, "Here's how to talk to you your non-stats loving friends about sports." See, there is non-sexualizing way of

You can say it's feminine, sure. That's fine. If it is, ok. But the key here is to not make the idea of feminine a synonym for things that always suck.

My coworker's Mk V Lego kit. 1077 pieces.

In my experience it does get easier. Maybe that's because a therapist told me when I was 24ish that for most of the majorly depressed, things do get better after 30, and at the time I believed her because it sounded doable, just six more years, I can hack that. I'm in my —- ahem —- mid-40s now. I do take meds, but

The law doesn't suit me though. Private land being rented at profit solely to bombard me with propagandist messages as I try to go about my day doesn't "suit me." I've traveled to Vermont repeatedly over the past few years, and one of the biggest aesthetic differences which is immediately apparent is that billboards