Wow Erin, I know they say that it only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea, but why are you going biased & dumb?? It isn't immoral. At all. A moral is just like an ethical standard: it's only some point of thought or agreed upon notion that you think should be applied

It is entirely funny because it plays off the sponging that Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan and a few others do to each other constantly when it comes to fashion (the so awesomely cheesy sailor schoolgirl outfit), manga/manhwa/manhua, pop, sappy dramas, and even giant mecha statues. It also helps highlight how in

Yes, you are right, she is quite a prime mark & measurement of mestiza stock. Let's keep her labeled as such so that we will always know to think of what she is instead of who she is...

This made my eyes do a double-take. Only because the last "OMG Selena!" post title was about a music video so I just thought it was some eye-rolling moneygrabbin' past redux-tupaq posthumous found footage release. Totally forgot that this Selena ever existed till it got tied in with the word birthday.

Something recipriversexclusonary.

... . . . (._. ) . . . you're still talking about men.

You make it sound like a victim is completely incapable of contributing to their own demise, like it's the cliff's fault that a climber chose a cheaper thus weaker brand for a dog-eared figure-8 that broke apart on on their ascend. It's just pure & simple logic and science, a fact of life. Don't get me wrong here, not

I actually prefer to date women far less knowledgeable & wise than I am (only to a certain degree though) just so that I could explicitly "talk down" to them, as you say, like the personable professor that I am to show them how they were wrong or what they knew not of. What's the point in dating someone, besides their

I laugh at your blunders and prostitution!

Oh, there was a winner, just no declaration. And you're making it sound like it was the school itself that cheated, the age old time-out-the-sun-was-in-my-eyes! bit. Outside forces are just that; wet grass, a freak earthquake that destroys a fortress wall, a nude streaker at Wimbledon that gave an underdog a chance to

But, it was a contest. A. CONTEST: a contractual testament of one and/against another with terms and reward for victory, the challenge was met but she bailed and ran away from her own word like a coward.

I think I know what the creators would say...

Wow. Well, that was... uhh, that was... holy fuck. That was just the shittiest thing I have ever seen. And I like shitty movies but that was THEE WORST PIECE OF CRAP THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN. PERIOD. That was nothing but fucking terrible.

It was fucking brilliant. I'm a CODA myself and Sign Language is my native tongue. Tongues? I know firsthand how often from relatives and friends how deaf schools get ignored and left out of the circuit of things that "common" regular schools get to participate in, so not only was it a great joke but a brilliant

... . . . (._. ) . . . like how you just did??

Yeah, hi, person with common sense here, just an FYI, cause YSSSS; you don't have to be female to be a slut, just as my ex boss was totally a prick even though she didn't have a dick: the earliest known recorded use of slut was by Geoffrey Chaucer using the word sluttish (c. 1386) to describe a slovenly man.

Stop with the "Seriously?!" whining. It's so juvenile, grow up:

So much buck-passing going around, SMH. She's right, you're wrong; you can point to dictations all you want as if it were someone else's fault to make yourself feel better, but that just doesn't solve the problems about the acceptances of such ideals & ways.