"Demonoid was overrated anyway"
I once had to serve 6 months in the county for failure to pay a $20 fine while a vehicular manslaughter wife-beater only had to serve 3 weeks and a child molester was allowed to just serve weekend time so he could keep his job. At a school...
Did the rape of North Carolina look like these beautiful fields of rape??
"Do you really think people are 100% hetero or 100% homosexual?"
Oh, oh I read it. Sexuality is too a totally and unequivocally binary static thing. It's completely and without a doubt a 1-or-zerø thing: you either practice sexuality, or you don't! Simple as that.
"sexuality is not a binary thing"
I guess you could say that I'm...
Room for the moral & ethical implications??
"Is this some power thing, where now that a judge has ordered them to make it available, like hell are they going to take that from The Man? I totally expect this kind of crap from a conservative administration, but from one that's routinely gone to the mat for reproductive rights, this makes no sense."
Too bad she turned out to not be very pro-people though when it comes to our rights; she outright whored out her votes to the signs till a group of her actual constituents had to actually protest her office so she would actually listen to the people that put her in her place and to stop her from blatantly submitting…
Hey, I just call it as I see it; if it walks like a duck and quocks like a duck... I was open and truthful to you (which is the opposite of trolling, a bait'n'switch gimmick, but whatever) and as small as your world is, Jezebel isn't just "a feminist" site (another clubhouse-cult symptom). I'm cool with people saying…
But that's not what I said. At all. Seriously, why are you derailing the conversation with pointless insults? If you can't carry on in the subject you started about remaining friends with people then just dropping the conversation itself would have been far more genuinely honest and contributing then ill-placed hollow…
"But if you actually enjoy having a friendship with them and can get over yourself enough to move past what should only be a minor ego bruising, then I think it can be well worth it."
I've come to terms and said to hell with worrying about body-snarking when it comes to standard issue psycho redheads. Don't get me wrong I used to date redheads. Used to.
Some folks prefer a crusty rigid form over a soft flexible shell that could rise to the challenge and adapt to anything you could stuff it with instead of just adhering to a one and only monotonous way.
Ohhhh wait, you said in real life, not in reel life...
I thought he killed himself??