I like the use of "one" in a good debatable conversation with friends when referring to something of them that is not just only of their concern. It's the simplistic you/me-but-not-just-about-you/me. Take recently when I told a close friend that of commenting about her habits one could never change their stripes. She

Just doing my job... . . . ( ͡* ͜ʖ ͡°)

No, your point that changed my perception of you was how you were even trying to compare a real & actual natural body function to a synthetic alteration. Since you bring up your nationality while attacking others': isn't the U.S. a democracy?? Majority rules as law of the land on all levels.


"NBC's corporate Cenobites reportedly forbid disaffected anchor Ann Curry from tweeting her support for Good Morning America's ailing Robin Roberts"


Damn Danger... I used to squarely think fairly of you but you just went full fucking retard there, what the fuck... what the fuuuuck... . . . (._. ) . . .

Oh look, it's someone who thinks they have some sort of a valued & acceptable thought but only while they are high all the while admitting that they are lesser and incomplete without a foreign substance in their body...

I don't know about you but sluts just don't do it for me, call me silly all you want yet I just can't get it up for them. When I'm appreciating a woman's beauty I usually just leave it at that of which she only got paid for...

Yeah! I have an older PC so when a super picture and/or code heavy page loads it can overwhelm and crash my PC. I can restart back up just fine, it's just like how a car get's flooded with gas. You'd think with websites being stingy or monitoring bandwidth would let you use a cookie-option to have the huge page cut

I don't care how sexist this is, or was in a will be way I think; anytime I ended up on pinterest from like stumbleupon or suchwhat, it was just eye-rolling curtains'n'crap. That's cool and all but I am a fan of simplistics & multifunctionality and EDC: I would WHOLEHEARTEDLY join a site devoted to that if it was Pract

"you were honest so I'll do your work for you..."

Wow. You comment on a statement that is reflecting on a lack of will for definitive understanding with that?? But you were honest so I'll do your work for you...

No, pejorative. I meant what I said, just as I say unto you now with great disapproval, that you should fucking look up a definition to a word's meaning before you think you actually know something and open your fat, wide, mental mind and show us you gagging on your proverbial foot.

You can hate it all you want, that's your pejorative, buuuut (would "however" be a better to appease your tastes and sensitivities??) that doesn't change logic, common sense and the fabric of reality itself.

...but a coin has two sides??

I'm not game for some random lady just poppin' a squat and staring at my glutes either. I'm an eye-to-eye kind of man myself... (._. )

Please! Please!

"Though every choice we make is not a fault, every choice we do make absolutely does and ultimately creates- a consequence."

and when all hell breaks loose, there is an angry child in the corner tearing a napkin...