System Idle Process

Because it doesn’t matter that much. While the metric system is ostensibly simpler, being base 10, the imperial system is just as natural and simple for people that were raised using it; given that the metric system is just as arbitrary as the imperial, the only thing that really matters is the precision of your


Yup. It is a show about tinnitus awareness.

... the form factor of this camera is only slightly awkward. Ah hem.

...he compared selling Lucasfilm to Disney as selling his children to “white slavers.”

A full-color source image is passed through a custom algorithm

that’s the way I remember it, one long string of words, like Finnegan’s Wake, all scrunched together. it’s art-lit, a word picture, multi-media and new-age.

For mobile or MMOs?

Zach Mueller has mastered the art of the Serial Killer Face

“Loving” is the key. What I like best about Galaxy Quest is how affectionate it is—not just for the source material, but for its characters. There’s not a mean bone in its body. It is the very definition of a feel-good comedy.

Also there is this lever on the side of the steering wheel that actually makes a device on the back of your car blink lights indicating that you have intention to change lanes or turn, not many people around my area know this but it is true...

It’s from DSCOVR, just recently starting to see images released. I believe in the future they will have live streams.

This is from the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR). And yeah, they were probably trying desperately hard to make the acronym when naming it.

The satellite that took this is a NOAA “Space Weather” Satellite called “Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR)”; It sits at the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrangian point, which is why it appears stationary.


Some interesting facts about this satellite:

Finally! Cracks begin to show in the Copernican Conspiracy!

Saying that this is “the noise of the planet” as it may lead people to believe this is natural sounds occurring in the martian atmosphere when in fact it’s a synthetic sound created to give a clue to how rough the terrain is.

I’m somehow not shocked at all that a site that LOVES the “Slingshot Channel” Youtube videos would decide to whine about 3D printing a dart gun.

No, just another article by Nathan Grayson.