System Idle Process

The game doesn’t teach you this, but you can cancel throwing Pokéballs or Pokémon with a simple press of the B or Y buttons.

The plane was named for the shoe


I didn’t watch the whole video because I need to get back to work. But at the beginning he said he became friends with the card collector he bought them from and was confident he would refund him if something was wrong. So is he out $3.5m or no?

Isn’t MS365 still OneDrive?

I’m not religious, and I curse like a sailor, but why does the title need to use “goddamn” as emphasis for spa?  It just seems odd.  Like a preteen throwing in cuss words to see what they can get way with.

That Munsters shot looks like something from a local haunted house facebook page rather than an actual hollywood film.

Thank you for not making this a slide show.

But they go out of their way NOT to praise gaming chairs and they talk about how much they dislike them. Then go on to review this one on comfort and office usability and how it may just give purpose built office chairs a run for their money.

Here’s what Jalopnik thinks

Millennials are currently 25-40 years old.  It’s not a blanket term for “kids these days”.

I like my instant pot, but eggs is one thing I’ve never understood in them.  I’ve tried it, and it was fine, but it seems just as fast, if not faster to do them on the stove and the results are about the same. it holds up a mirror to modern society...but like a dark one, almost black.  I wish there were a show that does this.

They were describing their journalistic style, not the tips.

Why is everything a slideshow now?