
It’s better than the Antonov that Hillary and Bernie ride around in. The commies just don’t know how to travel in style. Oh well, enjoy your borscht and bathtub vodka, you two!

These are about the only reason I look at Kotaku anymore.

“Feel the power of the dark.... STOP STARING AT HER BOOBS!”

Wow, except for Johnny Quest, these are all terrible. What are they smoking over there?

The really crazy part is that this was initially a manned design, with the pilot “lying down” while in flight.

This. This SO HARD.

The sprites! The sprites!

If it had used Souls-style gameplay, or hell, Devil May Cry style gameplay it would’ve been ten times better.

The best part of Star Wars: Rebels is getting to see all of his concept art come to life.

So? Slap an adults-only label on it. Then let the sales figures speak.

There is nothing wrong with this outfit. NFL cheerleaders wear stuff more daring than this, in public.

“B) turn off all random encounters.”

Let’s not forget the original anti-Artoo!

No, they’re not. By law. Deal with it.

This chick dies so often she’s made it a profession. I think I’m going to perma-replace her with the dancer chick to her right, and damn her smattering of a backstory.


“Nothing can go wrong when you reanimate a dead girl...”

There is a zombie holding them up. Duh!

People who live in Britain don’t have to wonder. Juuuuuuuust sayin’.

I already stalked this square and slaughtered every lunatic in it with a saw cleaver and a blunderbuss. What have you done for me lately, Assassin’s Creed?