

Really kid? How many tries did it take you to beat Havel the Rock? What about that bastard Capra Demon, huh? HUH? I thought so.

This kid plainly doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Wait till you live a little a have nostalgia for things, you little bastard!


There was this time this video game “journalist” trolled Vanillaware maestro George Kamitani’s Dragon’s Crown art.....

Is this a put-on? Is she putting us on? What the hell is going on here?

No. Nonononononononononononononononono. No.

I’m sorry, I just can’t buy Tifa as a square-jawed....thing.


Tiny monster! I enslave you! Welcome to an endless hell of cage matches!

Try Orion, too. It’s pretty good.

That “eye” was actually his nose. The four things to either side were his actual eyes.

I see someone likes his Yoji Shinkawa and Shirow Masamune. Got a little Katsuhisa Kondoh in there too.

“gods” really, or more accurately, “caretaker robots”.

Funny, I got this one, and it was pretty awesome.

That is not a VW bug, though. Looks more like a Honda/Subaru “don’t sue us” hybrid.

Shame, because it could have been a pretty good franchise. I liked it.

Why is Bumblebee not a VW? C’mon now, Lambo, Lancia, and Freightliner don’t care but the Germans do?

And then what? You raise them and they die, over an over until.....? Impossible boss gets beaten?

Priere, Nep-Nep, a newly busty Etna, aaaaaand.....