
What the— why does he look like a badly-drawn salaryman?

I would’ve bother defeating them if that were the case, but I was immediately turned off by Emerald’s Timed Battle mechanic (why?) and the general uber-boss cheesiness (which diminishes the fun factor as it increases). If I wanted arbitrarily hard difficulties, I’d play a Souls game (or flip the difficulty to “hard”)

And that’s what’s going to suck balls. FF7’s battle system was fine. In fact, it’s one of the reasons the FF’s up to X were enjoyable, while 12 and 13 were train wrecks.

Shading, perspective..... c’mon, they should at least TRY.

These uniforms are pretty boring anyway....


That right there is a strong case of Gollum Face.

You certainly can’t get anything close to a view of anything like that in the console version, that’s for sure. Gotta be from a PC, if at all.

What kind of maniac plays a boring-ass game like this for THAT long? Is he a political prisoner or just some kind of masochist?

Um..... no. The character is created by the author. The character is INTERPRETED by the reader. There’s a huge difference, and if you don’t grasp it, that’s sad, but you’re still incredibly wrong.

I hope they work in a joke about SAO. I mean c’mon, how can they not?

Or even Miyazaki. The Nausicaa manga was absolutely beautiful.

Oh nooooo?

My thoughts exactly.

This plane is so cool even The Stig flies one.

So you eject and get sucked straight into the intake? No WONDER it lost.

He did that because he was getting ready to harf all over the beach.

This thing is in no way a good replacement for the A-10. It just isn’t.

Let them do what they want with their own bodies. It’s their right.

Hey man, checking your facts is journalism 101.