Well Bethesda was a winner to me at E3. Succinct conference, the least amount of fat, and actually demonstrated most of their games. Horizon, Just Cause 3, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Shadow Warrior 2 and XCOM2 also had great showings to me.
Well Bethesda was a winner to me at E3. Succinct conference, the least amount of fat, and actually demonstrated most of their games. Horizon, Just Cause 3, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Shadow Warrior 2 and XCOM2 also had great showings to me.
Well, there was also acting like I didn’t know what hyperbole means. But since you are more pleasant now, I’ll reply :)
I would post an actual reply if you weren’t so condescending and ignorant to how the XMB works.
I’ve always hated, ****ing hated the XBOX controllers... can they just make the controller even the slightest bit ergonomic or just have symmetrical sticks?
Ah, nice. Looks countless times better IMO. That was one thing that kept me away from Xbox when they transitioned to the NXE- it was just so cluttered and blatantly made for ads and from what I hear the XB1 dash is slow.
You mean you can go left, into a menu, to find any game you own (as long as you pinned them). Or go right, into a menu, to find your friends. Or further right, into a menu, to get to the marketplace, which is further fragmented into even more menues. See a pattern here? Menus. Menues everywhere.
Literally everything is buried under menus buried under more menues and so blatantly designed to try to get people to use Kinect. It’s the least streamlined UI I’ve ever used. The XMB might not be pretty but it’s functional and everything’s just a few d-pad clicks away.
Yes! Possibly my least favorite console UI ever. Let’s get this shit streamlined.
Zelda Game of Thrones in a nutshell: You play as Link and get to the final battle. Gannon unceremoniously kills you and your horse, cuts off your horse's head, and sews it to your headless body to parade around Hyrule. Zelda is made to watch as this all happens.
This would not have happened if the bike had a gun.
This is absolutely appalling. We need to stand up for bike rights and protection services. Bikes are humans too.
Sounds like a variation/precursor of the "Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." bit.
Here's what I do (and it really helps) -
I like to write responses to trolls then hit cancel. It tricks my mind into thinking I had the last word.
"Two things happen when you wrestle a pig in the mud: You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it." -unknown
I fall for this joke EVERY TIME we write an article about trolls. I'm like THIS GUY IS A JERK-oh wait he's being sarcastic.
This article is retarded. Nobody gives a crap about trolls. Is this the sort of crap you come up with when there is no real news to talk about? :p