
I love how dynamic this one is looking, and it's of the same quality of the FF7 movie. I think the FF series is going to come back strongly.


Please, Kotaku pretty much went to shit when hair man went off to another site. Our latest EIC has the common sense for articles shared as a lemming does for cliffs. I'm sure selling your soul for a better resume is completely worth it. The only reason I still come here is the comment section always makes me laugh.

You can't simply report on a "game update" without sensationalizing it?

So Metallica's goal in the game is to... KILL 'EM ALL?

"Definitely not for children. Definitely not for MY children"

Dragon's Crown

Too bad, because this actually is better than what steam does.

More interesting if it was shot through a hole in a wall at a hotel.

I see Fox sports is taking a cue from Fox News and going the hot blonde route for all their hires.

Needs more scissoring.

Why play a Bethseda game on something that isn't a PC? No mods to add features and extend the game's lifespan, no console commands for the inevitable bug that will slip in and can easily be resolved by a quick command or two.

Afraid to complete game based on length of time it would take.

Thanks for the review Fahey, refreshingly to the points gamers should really care about.
I didn't know the game would have the unique looks and art style throughout before reading the review... prudes, false moralists and white knights (the bad kind) can to suck a lollipop, I for one find the artwork behind the game

While I understand what you're getting at as a whole, with your comment of, "I downloaded the Marvel game, confirmed that I was online and then promptly deleted it from my iPad." I don't see what the problem is, or how it "Costs Gamers Their Dignity." They are monetizing their wifi internally in efforts to keep it

God bless you Shane Roberts!