Say what you want about her opinions, but this is spot on:
Say what you want about her opinions, but this is spot on:
I've watched several agendas get slowly pushed into the mainstream consciousness over my lifetime, and this is part of how it succeeds. It's not just the loud, angry articles calling for action- it's also the subtle, sometimes funny little pictures, videos and editorials that subversively get into people's heads and…
Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.
The funny thing about all these developers signing on to this is that "gamers" aren't even really mad at them specifically, they're more mad at the "press" and "journalists" that have been pushing one sided agendas.
Disclaimer: I have played Infamous 3, but not First Light.
Um. Could be several reasons:
i kinda liked Remember Me.
My interest in playing this game just went up 400%.
While I have not seen this yet, I am actually perfectly fine with the "no internal voice" thing. In fact, I'm glad they went for this option. It just makes experiences feel much more organic, I find. Whenever the internal voice is done in films I just feel about it like exposition in video games; I feel as if it's…
I happen to like my nearly nude women... As long as they are tasteful and epicly drawn. Good effort at generalising to the point we should go into the louvre and burn every classical painting with tits. No seriously. Good effort. This post was both insightful and life changing.
Generally, I get the feeling that the functional reason of giving video game females gymnast builds, is because they're in high action settings where that's necessary for survival. The same is applicable for male characters who tend to sport very athletic builds which are necessary for the events they find themselves…
I see what you did there, instead of the nude women, you want to see more phallic shaped objects. Good for you man, good for you.
I'll never understand why people do this kind of thing. In the amount of time it took to build this, they could've made dozens of actual maps, for an actual game, in an actual engine. They possibly could've made an entire game, in an actual engine, depending on the size of game and what-not. To me, it just seems like…
Really makes you wonder...maybe his acting isn't so bad after all. If this post-processing, make him sound more robotic approach was the plan all along, then the fact that his voice is so dull and uninvested in the lines we heard makes perfect sense...that's him playing a computer, and one which he knows isn't going…
No, no goddammit. Don't give in to the corporate bullshit shilling! There is NO artistic reason for this bullshit resolution. Basically they wanted their game to run at 60fps but they couldn't get it to run at 60fps on console hardware so they went with lower resolution instead. There is NOTHING inherently "more…
OK JEZEBEL. Boobs... bad. Sexuality... bad. Do you apreciate attractive females? PIG!!!! It's not about looks!!! Did you look at that woman walk by with the massive boobs flopping all over the place in her way too small top? PIGG!!! PERVERT!!! Deny your natural instinct to desire women because it offends ugly women…
Third option: me.