
Why would you report it, though?

“is” and “was” are two different words, though.

“Dagens Industri” is usually contracted/shorted as “DI”. It translates to “Daily Industry” :)

So, not for being inscrutable racist assholes?

Eh, if Stockholm (pop. 1.5-2 mil) can have about a million rides per day, I’m pretty sure that a lot of US cities could too.

Because “Scandinavian crime” is a reference to a genre, not a location. Named as such due to its conception, rise, and prevalence in Scandinavia.

Regardless of another fall, it’s very likely a concussion, and concussions are (obviously) brain damage. Continued physical strain while concussed is... Inadvisable.

“Proper treatment on the ice” would consist of “get off the ice and go sit in the locker room”.

Not particularly though. DoPS precedent is .60 seconds, and this hit was .51.

Reading comprehension is hard, eh. That is exactly the excuse used in the post I’m replying to. I’m saying it’s a bullshit excuse.

Interestingly, the URL reads “the-front-of-an-f1-car-would-ve-hit....

Actually, the excuse would also work with a swastika.

Yeah that excuse wouldn’t work if it was a swwastika and I don’t think it works either. The condescending tone really sucks to. 0/10 points for this kthx.

Wouldn’t you be able to color grade the final product, after composition is done, and thus achieve a brighter, more saturated look?

Things like bringing out the reds and yellows in Simbas fur, the deeper blues in the sky to go against the lush green ground, and popping the colours of the sunrise.

As I said elsewhere: “Oh no”.

Also included should be the danger caused by the chase itself. If someone flees because they are chased, there comes a point where you’re causing more problems than you solve.

Conor also threw a very physical chair at Khabibs bus and injured two or three people. Who are these children defending Conor?

How isn’t this theft, though?

Those are political statements. All of them.

That’s a politicla statement with political consequences, requiring political deliberation. “Politics” doesn’t mean “Democrats v GOP”.