
I am scared and frightened.

Can we reasonably discuss context? As a man, I am appalled by his inability to distinguish between 'sexy time' and 'real life'. But can I just say, essentialism aside, that men and women have turn-ons (that are informed by contextual, shitty gender roles) and as a result, and anecdotally I understand why men get this

30 seasons. One for each Park of course..

I don't have a problem with 'aged universe', or bipedal aliens. But I'm a big sci-fi geek, and there are always things taken for granted. Even from a fictional/writing standpoint, ME is much like Trek, with a centralized UN-like Gov't, terrorist organizations etc. Even that style of spaceship, in which it looks like

I said this in another thread. Mass Effect itself I found very generic, with the usual Trek/Wars bipedal, anthro-style aliens and Star Wars-style "lived universe" spaceships and cities. Honestly it is a pastiche or a collage, I can't thing of anything memorable besides the badass female action hero *cough* Alien

Look, Mass Effect is a generic sci-fi game that simply cobbled previous video games/ visual styles from movies/ ideas from novels. The story, characters and gameplay may be 'good' and I'm not saying it isn't, but let's not pretend the concept of Mass Effect was wildly original.

Those are sad, empty laughs disguising a wasted bit of life. Echo echo echo

I feel a little bad for the two states who went Milf. Or maybe there is an abundance of youthful flesh there?

I'd like to think the grungy cafe racers and UJM dudes would've helped her...

Wow...you really pissed off John & Jane Q. Public this time...

That's a fair point. Man v. Man-Child is an important distinction.

Thanks for allaying my concern.

Also, has that really happened to you? You are at a bar, someone you are with goes and buys you a beer, and you leap up and punch them in the face? I'm trying to picture that happening and it doesn't seem fun.

Straya day. Get a VB, don't scratch my Holden fuckin nationalism ya poof.

Oklahoma City dudes came all the way out to Seattle? Damn girl.

I cringed a bit, too. I've always been a slightly-socially-awkward intellectual type so reading the title stung a bit. I understand it's not a personal attack, but I feel like I had a less-than-perfect social upbringing in my late teens-early 20s that I'm trying to get over, and articles like this one make me feel

I recall a story about a school in NM where a student didn't "believe women had souls" which was a justification for ignoring them, using them, and just generally being a selfish asshole.

I'm really curious what "gut-wrenching sexy times" sound like. Are they gut wrenching because someone is crying? Are both parties crying? Is listening to the sex an emotional rollercoaster? I'm intrigued.

Indeed, but that sweetness still gives you a shitty hangover.

I think it's the corn syrup or the sugar. It's sweeter than other beers.