
I'll give these women a pass as long as they don't become activists. If they want to self-flagellate I feel sorry for them, but that's where it ends.

And as far as I know Gideon didn't go around speaking against state appointed attorneys for the poor after he got out with the help of one.

"If she was still a pro-choicer" she'd be respecting people, and their decisions; she wouldn't be the asshole that she is now (every "pro-life" activist is an asshole, deserving of judgement.)

Wow! Stay classy.

No. It's not.

People don't vote to put suspects in jail; it doesn't work like an election (or, it shouldn't work that way.)

I feel you. These days we never know who is being an asshole and who is using the fine art of sarcasm around here.

I guess you're right. I should have given him the benefit of the doubt. I still would like to hear his stance on this.

If that's true, it's truly terrible and no one should go through rape, or the other kinds of violence you went through. I hope you recover.

I agree, even if what he's telling is true.

You know, it's not my job to educate anyone and I give up. If you think the chance of being put on leave is remotely comparable with the suffering of a rape victim, and one who has a less than 2% percent of chance of getting justice (as all of them), and you say you're an educator, then you're one of those people I'm

What I said is that I'm suspicious of people who choose to focus on a problem that statistically rare and says nothing of the one that is devastatingly common. I want nothing to do with such level of sociopathy; it makes me wonder what this person is capable of and why he focuses on that type of crime when they don't

Once I had a boyfriend who perpetrated a huge lie on me, cheated on me and other stuff, now I can't trust any man in this world. I think they all will do the exact same thing to me, or at least something similar.

Exactly. I think that what they mean is that these mythical creatures, men falsely accused of rape, experienced some level of social shaming. When even rapists have a 98% chance of never going to jail, I doubt any of the these unicorns had their lives "ruined" beyond being the target of some dirty looks around town.

People who look at this graph and still have the gall to call attention to those black figures on the bottom, and say how there's TWO men's lives that have been ruined, make wonder what kinds of actions are accepted by them. They are scary and I never want to be alone with them.

We can talk about this one subject now, though.

Well, as long as YOU know that she wasn't raped. That's what really matters.

Your first paragraph agree with the post you were responding to; second contradicts the first.

Funny how they never seem to know of person whise life was ruined by a rapist.

I'm glad you asked because I had the same question. I knew there was a way to know, I just didn't know how.