And how do you start it? How do you tell what speed you're going? How do you tell how much fuel is in the tank? What's your travel range before you need a fill up? How comfortable is it for a commute?
And how do you start it? How do you tell what speed you're going? How do you tell how much fuel is in the tank? What's your travel range before you need a fill up? How comfortable is it for a commute?
Yeah and a Civic weighs a lot more than a dune buggy...
Harping on how cheap it is just makes Nintendo look like even bigger jerks for not including it. Also, precedent doesn't somehow make bad things ok, it just means they've sucked for a while now. It's like saying because Ubisoft has put out buggy games before, that makes it ok they put out a buggy game now :\
I think the Scrambler is a nice bike, but I think what generates some resentment is that is being marketed very much for looks/lifestyle and not on it's merit as a bike. I mean look at the official website ( the promo shots on there look like they came out of a Wes Anderson movie. I…
The video game you bought has no intrinsic value except to provide entertainment. If people derive entertainment from collecting cards and leveling up their Steam account, who the heck are you to say that outlet for entertainment is more "stupid" than yours? Neither is an investment and I'm quite confident that…
The version of the game that's sold on PSN isn't a port; it's the original Playstation 1 version code. The PS3/Vita have built-in emulators for PS1 games, and it runs through emulation.
From the small thumbnail, I saw blue + hoodscoop + big headlights and assumed it was a bugeye WRX. Pretty surprised when I clicked through and found out it was a Tacoma.
Your experience as one of several millions of users means jack squat with regard to their relationship with developers. You don't seriously think developers reporting listing errors go through the same channel filled with hundreds of thousands of idiots reporting "this game dun't work on my dell!" do you?
Between this article and "Why No One Will Sell You The Bike You Want", could you make it any more obvious that you guys are taking paychecks from Ducati?
This thing, or any other hyper-car, really. Far too powerful to ever exploit anywhere close to their potential on the road, not used in professional racing, and arguably not as good or as entertaining on a track as a more purpose built track toy like the BAC Mono, Ariel Atom, etc. That said, I guess they do have a…
Yeah it's a real shame that the article basically boils down to: "because we can't convince vane, brand conscious Americans to buy any of the bevy of great starter bikes from Honda, we need this overpriced, overpowered (for its mission), fad-focused Ducati because we have to sell people on a fashion statement and not…
I could not disagree more about the impact that being designed for co-op had on the game. The very nature of designing the game to work with two human players meant the experience would be compromised.
Yeah but it still has all the headaches that come with PCs having variable hardware. Meaning you need to worry about spec requirements, and going into games and messing with graphics settings that the average person doesn't understand. Plus unlike consoles, there's no basic level of quality control and standards…
Dammit! I just bought the Legacy collection for PS3 a week ago and PC is my platform of choice.
I'd be willing to bet the guy has a history of fraud that was never previously caught. A person doesn't usually go from being a saint to committing million plus dollar fraud in one step. It's entirely possible that the delay was related to prosecutors digging up more dirt on the guy and there being additional…
Mostly it's interlaced SD video that looks bad on HDTVs, especially those a few years old now. 480p tends to look decent. At least, this my experience with using a PS2 on several different HDTVs and the very few PS2 games that support progressive scan.
You know that at highway speeds, it's pretty easy to die from things other than head injuries, right? Especially if you're 60+ as this guy likely was judging by his brother's age.
Ohh the Eagle Talon, a neighbor had one of these when I was in my teens and I thought it was the coolest "attainable" car in the world.
When you almost completely remove your suspension's ability to absorb an impact you are increasing the likelihood that a relatively minor bump or pothole in the road will send you careening out of control.