Yeah the cynic in me makes the think the author just needed to generate some page views...
Yeah the cynic in me makes the think the author just needed to generate some page views...
It's amazing what you're legally allowed to put on the road when it's classified as a "motorcycle". I mean this thing is basically bigger than a Fiat 500, yet doesn't need pass anywhere even close to the same number of safety regulations.
Why does it matter. I ride a CBR500R, which is a relatively wimpy little bike, but something that most people would identify as a sport bike nonetheless and I'm certainly not affronted by someone calling their engine powered 2 wheel transport of any shape a motorcycle.
Yup, for a car that was going to be cross-shopped with Minis and VW GTI's it was too much once optioned appropriately. The base price was within reason, but at that level the car was too bare bones for a semi-luxury vehicle. I mean if I recall correctly, cruise control was actually an option at one point, something…
Contrary opinions, you has them. Innovative or not, I think it's good to see more unusual bikes available to the masses.
I bought a CBR500R this summer and while at the dealer asked if they had any Groms out of curiosity and much like this article says, the guy said that they're basically impossible to get because they've been so popular around the world and demand has been high. Very cool little bike.
Or maybe it wasn't social commentary and they were merely worried about balancing development time with market value like every software product ever made and targeted what is, by a huge margin, the most common form of relationship in the world.
Non-book readers are in for even more shocks. The last two episodes this season are going to make people go nuts.
Origin has live support, but the last time I dealt with it, it was clearly handled ineffectual outsourced workers that barely speak English and can not get anything accomplished if it's not covered in their support tree.
Mass Effect 3 is on sale for the umpteenth time, too bad it will still cost you $50, that's FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS, to get the story based DLC for the game because Bioware points (the existence of which is inexplicably stupid and undermines EA having their own store in the first place) never go on sale. It should be…
Yes, because that's the only impractical thing about it... These bikes are only ever going to be "ridden" at 20mph or less around parking lots to move it inside a building lobby or around some show grounds. I don't think safety will ever be a realistic concern for these "art" bikes.
Using that 80% stat to support your argument is bogus, because male is the default option and you have no idea how people even bothered trying a female Shepard such that they would be able to make a judgement between the two.
Those are details that are pertinent to speaking 100% academically correct English. Picking up basic diction and grammar is not that hard and English is one of the most forgiving languages in terms of being able to speak in a largely broken manner and still having people comprehend your intent.
That's not entirely the same thing because Hertz doesn't know what you're going to use the car for. Now had you told the Hertz rep "I'm going to use this car to murder someone" and they still rented the car to you, then yeah they're probably liable.
Skipping levels not a big deal as that's a legitimate part of the game. However, it is weird to consider it "beaten" without actually beating Bowser. Games of this era all have a concrete end goal which is beating the final boss, it seems odd to consider the game completed without that being attained. Other…
Vanquish is one of the games which caused me, as a typically PC-only gamer, to buy a PS3 about a year and a half ago.
This is actually a reply to Fantavision85, but Kotaku's broken comment system doesn't appear to let me reply to anything other than the top 3 posts.