
Yes, you know just once, I'd like to see a game's journalist ask a developer/publishing head: how much did you pay to license and implement this DRM? And then: Given that it your game was on pirate networks two days after the release (sometimes zero days), do you think you got your money's worth?

So I'm thinking that if you're a student in China and you plagiarize to complete an assignment, and it's discovered, you actually get an A because that's what their culture seems to be all about; while writing an original work is grounds for failure.

Running cloth sim on that many characters doesn't seem that impressive when they're in a very low poly environment, with no shadows, no complex lighting, no shader effects, etc, etc.

No you only get one key. For the most part, games bought on Origin can not be activated on Steam - unless you buy a Valve game on Origin, in which case you obviously *have* to activate it on Steam (and yup The Orange Box and Portal 2 are sold on Origin, which is kind of crazy).

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, believe it or not.

I registered all the EA games I bought on Steam on Origin just because I could and, meh, wouldn't hurt to have a backup place to download them. I have not and will never actually buy a game from Origin. I'm wondering if a decent chunk of Origin "users" fall into the same category.

Wait so that's it, you just see a tiny picture of her face and not a face on her 3D model?

Another one.

The F-16 is my second favorite after the Saab JAS39 Gripen. Also Saab, so it's totally Jalopnik relevant :)

OK so this is obviously satire/viral marketing and not a real thing, right?

You sign into HBO GO via a tunnel that signs into your cable provider's site (which is how they establish you subscribe to HBO via a cable provider) I.e. I have Comcast, when I sign into HBO GO, it takes me to a Comcast page and I have to sign in using my Comcast ID.

Maybe you can get movies on physical disc before they're on HBO, but certainly not streaming. HBO GO has a pretty big selection of streaming movies that, in terms of things you'd actually want to watch, soundly trounces Netflix.

Muzyka and Zeschuk are just worried about collecting (big) paychecks these days, like most executives.

Alan Wake is a port done right. Maybe it performs a bit worse than some people would want, but a lot of people aren't realistic about their hardware, and otherwise it's great. I mean it has an FOV slider; if you go to the trouble of putting an FOV setting in the game, you're doing right by PC.

I enjoyed War for Cybertron on PC in spite of glaring flaws (the framerate and lack of controller prompts being the worst). However, I also only paid $5 for it on a Steam sale, which certainly influenced my opinion.

I'm a software developer working on commercial business applications now - generally speaking it's not a job that incurs death threats...

GameStop was my part time job while in college and I despised the parents who treated us as a babysitting service. It happened far, far too often.

New ideas are fine. My comment is in regard to "Wordy Wordsmith" point of the review, which was evident in trailers and the original mod. The developer/author goes so far out of his way to prove to the world 'he knows big words' that he ends up making awkward, laughably pretentious drivel.

So basically pay $10 to watch the developer/author masturbate his ego about how smart he is; meh, no thanks.

I hate to be an annoying internet contrarian - but Psychonauts isn't *that* good. I'm one of the few that bought the game for full price when it was a new release, before it became a cult darling, which perhaps is why I a different perspective on it. The humor is great and the aesthetic is unique and interesting