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Drake probably ignored it because it did not include a tuna sandwich.

...including the Ferrari Tyga gave her for her 18th birthday.

She believed her own hype. Because the Taylor versus Kanye story always went her way in the past, she thought it would continue that way.

I'm team Kanye for life.

100% positive that the woman who demanded to be in the center was Nene Leakes. She was convinced that she owned the show.

No, Debra did.

He said a couple of years ago that the downturn in the economy (plus, probably the fact that being out of the game for a few years has left him behind on current systems/processes) meant he just couldn’t find work in his field.

I worked at a TGIF for four years. There is some actual grilling and sauteing going on. Lots of deep frying. Some microwaving. And a lot of weed dealing.

So, is the assumption that he’s getting paid under the table and lying about charity to avoid child support payments?

at least he’s working i guess.

Pssst...he’s lying. He’s broke. Kate has some money, probably from TLC and the other reality shows she did. Plus, she’s clearly the responsbile type and has probably invested her money. I’m surprised that Jon hasn’t sued her for alimony.

Having not followed their show and the fallout from their relationship...why would he be donating his checks to charity? Does he not have to make a living? Does he not have to pay child support? I was under the impression that after TLC, they both had major money difficulties.


I read this before clicking on the oatmeal enema link. They are spot on. I made it to his talk of Guinea pigs before I rushed back here to say this is awesome, and that I’m sad I wasted one of my 10 free articles at nytimes.com on this.

I guess I’m just glad that when I was a teenager, pretty much the worst public embarrassment we could suffer on the internet was saying something awkward to a crush over AIM. I really wish kids were allowed to have their private lives for a little longer.

He’s 14 years old.....

Yes. I would like to publicly apologize for my Britney Spears-inspired hair styles, shopping at Abercrombie, talking shit about that perfectly nice science teacher, and sassing my grandma.

Dipshits, c.2006: “(Black) athletes are role models. They need to start acting like it. smdh”
