
This comment is pure nonsense.

I am shocked how far I had to scroll to find this one.

I don’t live in a city. I live in a rural area. There is a bus that will take you the 2 hours to the nearest city. It departs only three times a day and returns only twice. And then you still have to figure out how to get to the bus stop from up in the mountains, 3.5 miles away. And it costs $60 round trip. There is

(Kathryn Hahn, but you are correct that she is wonderful!)

I’ve been saying that for years. She was the only one actually paying attention to the shit going on around her, she’s got the dirt.


I love my 18 year old cat with all of my heart and soul. The thought of never once letting her go outside in those 18 years is insanity. She’s an animal, she can defend herself. Just because they sleep in your house doesn’t mean they don’t have instincts.

Right?! I have no idea what makes Frozen different from other Disney movies. At the most, I’d say it’s only as “feminist” as Pocahontas or Mulan. I was expecting some Dworkin to come out of Elsa’s mouth the way people talked about it.

NYC music festival.

For whatever reason, people don’t consider it “sobriety” if you quit with the help of a medication. Same thing with suboxone/heroin. Its an attitude that is allowing people to die.

How so?

Yeah then people would lose their minds about how “transphobic” that is, so...

She’s going to be responding to the State of the Union address which is still a week away. She isn’t responding to his gun-control conference. They’ve been doing this for like 50 years or something.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. I went to one of the shittiest high schools in my state and the valedictorian of my class was a poor Hispanic girl and she got a full ride to an Ivy because Ivies give full scholarships to disadvantaged but super bright students ALL THE TIME. It’s so weird that you’re

Asking the president of university if he knows why you’re protesting him is putting him in a “gotcha” situation?

Well considering theres a socialist running for president that is actually a potentially viable candidate that many young people are excited to vote for, I’d say pretty well. But you continue being a condescending dick.

I like the idea of Kanye learning lessons about the paparazzi from Kim and then teaching their child to politely decline pictures rather than punch them in the face.

That was mean.
