Charge each one of those mouthbreathers flipping the car with the driver inside with attempted murder and we'll see an end to this real fast.
Charge each one of those mouthbreathers flipping the car with the driver inside with attempted murder and we'll see an end to this real fast.
Brain Trauma is the new Race Card
Yeah, me too, actually. He doesn't like when you call him out on his ridiculous antics. But it's fine for him to call everyone else out on their antics, because you know, they're famous people — or not. Either way, they deserve it. What sniveling little shit he is.
Tom Ley is a fucking disgrace
(Theory: "Knucklehead" is now a moderate, acceptable synonym for "thug.")
The whole racial undertone narrative is contrived as shit. Oh, Romo and Bryant were both yelling at teammates on the field and the only difference was their skin color, so the vitriol for Bryant must be racially motived. Horseshit. Here's the reason Bryant got vilified and Romo didn't. Because Phil Costa was getting…
Not pissed, just guilty.
To be fair, he's just following the gawker media narrative (see: David Tates article that Tom Ley "shared" on Deadspin). Tom Ley doesn't seem like the type of guy who rebels against the company line in any way, shape, or form.
Deadspin's version of Hamilton Nolan. They're both hacks who never met a story they couldn't spin on a racial angle
Not only was the comment chain deleted, but a bunch of us got banned.
How pissed off do you think Tom Ley is that he was born white...and that also autocorrect continually tries to make his last name Leg
Tom Ley makes me want to punch a baby in the face
If you think that Tony Romo gif is even remotely close to Dez Bryant's actions, then I have a black hole to sell you....on another note, am I the only person on earth that thinks sriracha sauce tastes like shit???
This is a huge reach of an "article" if I've ever seen one. Take this nonsense over to BR.
How edgy and offensive can a costume be if you can buy it at your neighborhood Party City? Sexy nun costumes are a dime a dozen. If you want to be shocking, you have to start by being somewhat original.
I have to be honest though, the blatant immaturity of the high school football player wearing #69 really took me by surprise.
Be funnier.
I completely agree about the fat people restaurant recommendation thing. The fatter you are, the more likely you are to shovel crap in your mouth because you're hungry. There's a reason the "thin" parts of the country, like NYC, SF, LA, and Seattle, also have the best food options. Fat people don't care as long as…
Fat people are the absolute worst for food recommendations because their palate is more often than not completely obliterated by years of indiscriminate eating. I say this as an ex-fat guy who was saved (palette-wise kinda literally) by a girlfriend who insisted I start eating better. It took time, but now I enjoy the…