Legless Legolas' LEGO Lass

You really thought you added something relevant to the conversation. Prolly sat back after clicking Publish like “Yup... Nailed it!”

Oh good. Maybe once we officially reach the point where:

McFuckface, McShitbag, McRacistlyingasshole,

Who gives a fuck about the Corvair, lol? Nader’s crusade gave you immensely improved vehicle safety standards for yourself and your family that have reportedly saved millions of lives, but you hate the person that gave that to you because you’re lamenting the loss of a product line? Lol dude

Exactly, except that Tesla is driving the car, and texting while driving is already illegal, and also that’s not exactly at all, now that I think about it.

she traveled to several states and swabbed the equipment for samples, then sent it off to a lab with her own money. The result? Nearly all the areas she sampled were filled with some kind of bacteria”

Belittling someone for seeking therapy to process their own experiences is...something. Pete has been open about the fact that he has borderline personality disorder, a serious mental health condition with a high rate of suicide and other bad outcomes if not treated by a therapist.

lEfT wINg sKinNy jEAns!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People who play visual novels and complain that they are, in fact, visual novels are so incredibly frustrating. Please go do that to literally any other genre and leave visual novels alone.  It’s ok to just acknowledge that a genre isn’t for you and move along.

To be fair, he is saying what a lot of us are thinking but don't want to put ourselves out there to say.

Aren’t most gym leaders canonically children?

Pathfinder player here to offer some clarity.

Of course, you can order the whiskey version that’s more standard across the rest of the country, but then you’ll probably be identified as a tourist.

If white people can invent ‘Latinx’ than TikTok can invent ‘Latinx food’.

I don’t understand the whole ‘The Sky Is Falling’ attitude in this article. Who cares what people on TikTok say about anything, really?

You sound unhinged lmao. This was meant to be a timed exclusive only.

I know a lot of G/O media writers get unfairly called out as plants and shills, but goddamn, this article reads like a straight-up commercial.

Yikes, based on your critical reasoning skills, it’s actually a little difficult to believe you were sweeping sawmills *after* going to school as opposed to *instead of*

Maybe because they are paying far more, as a percentage of their income, for rent/mortgage, utilities, and student loans than prior generations?

If eSports wants to be a sport like others, then it’ll run like others. You’re going to have teammates you don’t like, and there’s going to be people you do like traded or released. As a player you don’t get to just hold out because you don’t like a decision that wasn’t yours to make to begin with.