Legless Legolas' LEGO Lass

Buttered bread (the 9-grain stuff from Costco is good), with chunky peanut butter and homemade apricot jam.

You’re right, people believing differently than you doesn’t make them hateful. Too bad that’s not the argument I was making.

yeah i can see how he had no idea. 

One thing I don’t see mentioned at all is the cost factor. Most American insurance plans don’t pick up any of the bill, and it can get very expensive, very quickly. My family is in a fortunate position and are lucky enough to have a high income, but when my wife used to go to therapy it was a bit of a financial

Counting to 10 has nothing to do with this :)... 1990 is the first year of the ‘90s, not just by my reckoning, but by everyone’s. Look up any definition. Decades are literally named after the 0 year.

How do you think they got to be?

Since when do you play Whack a mole with a scalpel?

Literally nobody has ever said that

None of those "new games" are actually new though

I know I’m just being pedantic but “Arcade Collection”, and Lost Vikings, which was never an arcade game and would not have been suitable as such, makes me think they needed to name this something else

This is what more companies, who are trying to bank on nostalgia, need to realize. It’s not all about recreating the exact experience (I’m looking at you WoW Classic)

Maybe this can help me convince some of my friends who never played the original to pick it up! It looks pretty cool!

Sounds like my kind of breakfast taco.

It’s all the bits about how this is important because fandom; and it’s extra important that the biggest fans are the most special.

Time to officially recognize Taiwan as a country. Fuck China. No, really, the best ways to stop China are to recognize Taiwan and join the TPP/CTPP. Taiwan doesn’t have to recognize shit from countries that don’t recognize them.

I would have liked a Link’s Awakening treatment for A Link to the Past.

Ah the absolute last Zelda game I wanted a port of... 

Eh, The Root got a little too much mileage out of this shitshow to start moralizing at folks now. You weren’t turning away those clicks.  

I hope rabid weasels attack his genitals.

This is incredibly valuable and it matters. A very close friend deals with cerebral palsy and she’s constantly discouraged to grab a controller and play because of constant involuntary movements, preferring to watch someone else do it. She’s been dying to play Cyberpunk! So I changed my pre-order from PS to Xbox, and I