Great, thanks Lauren. You could have buried that travesty down under some pictures of exploded hands before I had to see that.
Great, thanks Lauren. You could have buried that travesty down under some pictures of exploded hands before I had to see that.
“ because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.”
It’s a little bit sad when you realize “Reno 911" featured some of the most responsible police work in the United States.
The current president is the first to enact a zero tolerance policy of separating children from their families, and putting them into cages. This did not go on during the Obama, or Bush, or Clinton administrations. This is a fact.
As an Android user I look forward to google pushing this initiative SUPER hard for a year and then completely abandoning it
Unrelated but the new Kotaku pride logo owns please never change it back
Cracker ass cracker isn’t wrong.
People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.
LOL you still think vaccines cause autism? Everyone knows autism is caused by Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move program. Vaccines are actually sent here by aliens from the Horsehead Nebula to acclimate our genetics to a future life on the surface of Mars while we ready it for our Horsehead Overlords.
“This email is already registered, click HERE to reset your password.”
Sign him up for all the things? I’m thinking so.
the 2 weakest entries for me personally were Unity and AC3. Unity was just really buggy and a lot of the changes never felt fully baked. AC3 was also pretty buggy at launch, and Connor never resonated with me. I also hated with a fiery passion the boat sections. I was as shocked as could be that Black Flag took (IMHO)…
Literally just did a spit-take all over my keyboard (luckily, just a mouthful of water) when I scrolled down to this response. Well played, well played.
All the Star Boys for you.
careful throwing that pic around, ninja might get tongue tied again
I know I’m supposed to be grossed out by this. A decade ago, I would’ve been. But I’ve been so turned around on how great rats are that now I see that swarm and I can only see this:
A isolationist monarchy dominated by men who belong to a warrior class. Wakanda would be a nightmare. The films plot revolves around a power struggle for the throne. IRL that translates to 12 year olds with AK-47's and people walking around with only one arm.
One thing I have yet to see from anyone criticizing Valve’s recent statement is a concrete alternative. The standard critique always seems to boil down to, “Read my mind about what should and should not be allowed on Steam, and then make that the universal acceptance policy.” Yeah, that sounds totally workable, bud.
I feel great sympathy for the families, but those “what if...” questions will do nothing but make you crazy. What if my loved one had a cold that night and stayed home? What if he had been standing somewhere else? What if the security guard had shot the assailant? You can’t rewind time and change the events. No…