Legless Legolas' LEGO Lass

Yeah I work in an agency that’s something like 85% female, and I troubleshoot over messaging services all over the state. I get called ma’am a lot because I have an unusual name, and ma’am is a safe bet. And I don’t really care. In fact, I appreciate it because at least they’re trying to be polite.

Hoping for a FF14 remake-like redemption in about 5 years lol

I don’t share food. I ordered what I wanted and as much as I wanted. I don’t mind other sharers but I will not offer and I will not be happy if you take stuff off my plate.

That’s because they don’t mind releasing incomplete games lol

Well, that, and 3 years from now you can pick it up along with the season passes for $20 or so.

It’s not bad, it’s just that an easier mode would *also* be optional. That said, with so many ways to potentially cheese the game anyway I’ve never really felt that an easier mode is necessary, aside from maybe increasing accessibility.

Honestly though, I don’t care. Fromsoft games aren’t for me and it’s not because

You probably get bent out of shape about the save logo for most things being a floppy disk, huh?

Some awesome stuff in here. Celeste is one hell of a platformer, skatebird is surprisingly good, crosscode has been on my steam wishlist for a while, sundered looks beautiful and exactly my jam, gonner is tons of fun... It’s probably gonna take hours to sort through this but there’s some real gems, and that’s just the

Cool. Honestly I thought it had to do with the peppercorns.

Man, no stupid/spoilery messages, no getting invaded... I’m not sure that’s a downside.

Nintendo would still make you pay for a switch. So honestly, it kinda checks out.

Maybe he got confused if she’s the party member that always had the Steal Materia. I kept it on her because I thought its upgrade, Mug, was thematically appropriate lol. Typically the party member that steals is the thief, so I can understand getting wires crossed if he’s just a FF nut in general.

You know how you can get like a pound and a half of pineapple in a big can? I can’t buy those anymore because I’ll just eat one of those for lunch and drink the delicious juice too.

Because the game is jank held together with duct tape. Great ideas, but basically unplayable without the fan patch. Expecting it to run on anything is optimistic, let alone the new system.

Similar results to yours. about 1200 games, 2/3rds untested, about 100 work fine, another 120 or so work but with issues, and 50 just don’t work yet, mostly things that require online, and vampire the masquerade which seems appropriate considering the jank.

Mostly though the major shock was thinking this game pulled

Halo devs know their audience. Next up are the mountain dew color palettes to match their flavors. 

I remember getting chemical burns with cramming warheads in my mouth and keeping them there as long as possible. Good thing I didn’t have adult teeth at that point because they probably had holes in them too. Black cherry ones were legendarily sour.

There was also “The Lucas Challenge” which seemed to be local to the

You would think a lack of ethics and a complete inability to read the room would make her a detriment, but jalopnik hired her back anyway. This sinking ship is really desperate for talent.

The obvious solution is to stop expecting games to work on consoles.
