
I'm now officially jealous of my old roommate and still awesome friend who a) lives in Stockholm, b) got her masters at KTH, and c) works for Spotify since she will almost assuredly be there. I, on the other hand, will be trying so, so hard to keep on my writing schedule for my dissertation defense and can, under no

Yeah, I know we hear about these things because they are so sensational and out of the norm and that logically I should be able to go because I'll be with other friends, old roomie's or her fiancee's family, but there is this little part in the back of my mind going NONONONONONO! I should probably just read some

There is a lot of work about the use of rape as a weapon in war, much of it focused on its use during civil wars. It's some of the most disturbing political science literature I know of.

Yeah, I'm supposed to go there for a wedding of two of my dearest friends this November and I'm pretty hesitant to do so for exactly this reason. While I know government capacity in India is relatively limited, and is more so in some states than others, much of this seems to stem from a feeling of impunity because it

One of many such scenes from Sons of Anarchy.

That's it! Someone who is also a complete waste of talent is the appropriate comparison, not the lovely Lenny!

At one point when I was a girl scout many years ago, they switched from being peanut butter patties to tagalongs. I was irate. Now that I know they didn't change them everywhere, those long dormant feelings have resurfaced.

This dress is everything. The little girl in me wants to get married in this dress. I'm assuming it is many thousands of dollars more than I would ever be willing to spend.

I totally agree with you. It took me a little while to get used to, but I really loved that Sundays meant you go to the park, relax, maybe have brunch and you do not go to the grocery store or run errands. You get a day of rest! Something we all need.

This is old news. The tumblr has been around for years!

I have a college acquaintance who has run for Miss USA (or one of those pageants). Lovely woman, but she NEVER SMILES. Her Facebook and Instagram are nothing but pictures of herself looking serious or with a faint smirk. It creeps me the fuck out. Like, I've known her for a decade. She has smiled before. But there is

Just because someone has a right to be a dumbass doesn't mean I have to silently listen to them, purchase things from them, or vote for them. That's my right as a 'Murican!

I was looking into this at one point. Blonde, athletic, thin woman pursuing a PhD at a top program can get you bank! But it's supposed to be a really a painful procedure to produce and extract the eggs and I wasn't sure how I felt about the moral dimension of it.

What the heck? He looks totally fine. Maybe a little sleepy or bored, but not like he was in a fight for his life. Maybe there was other evidence that was more convincing than this?

BF and I have been watching Arrow on Netflix and it's. just. killing. us. The story lines are so bad and we both want the female lead to die because she's so annoying. And yet, we'll keep watching it because it's what we do and who we are. Ugh. Grad students are the worst.

This is highly likely. However, before this the President didn't have to do much to stop the Republicans because the Senate would reject everything before it got to his desk. Now, he will be forced to veto bills and potentially make a lot of policy through executive order (which he has been doing to some extent,

I am a person who is often running late to things, by which I mean 2-7 minutes late and I feel terrible for it. But you are NEVER late to meet with a German. You actually get there early and take a few laps around the block to ensure that you are there EXACTLY on time.

Seriously! Boyfriend tries to walk my kitty on a leash and she freaks out. She would be gone in a second if I did this (though she would also get distracted within 20 feet and I would just go casually scoop her up). How does one train a cat to be cool with being carried in one arm outside?

But ... but I don't wanna drink Bud. Can I just go with any InBev beer and drink Leffe and Skol instead?

I'm starting to get WAAAAY too overwhelmed. I am just about finished with a first draft of my final dissertation chapter (YAY!) that I am presenting at a conference on Thursday (yay? boo? I'm not sure which). My boyfriend's bff is visiting for the weekend and honestly it's a little much. I told bf that I would be