
My cat used to do that until I threw her across the room once. Then she stopped doing it and instead cries from across the room where I can't throw any pillows at her without putting my glasses on. I don't care what my boyfriend says, my kitty girl is pretty smart.

Want my hair like this again!

Yes, but your original question was about why people were so up in arms about this. This is my biggest philosophical/legal/political problem with this. I have other problems with this ruling aside from this, but this is the one that seems the most contradictory.

I'm not equal under the law because I am only an individual but they get the benefits of being an individual along with the benefits of being a corporation (e.g., different tax and legal statuses). My boss is given extra rights that are not available to me until I incorporate myself into Svenskasweetie Co.

I can't speak for anyone else, but what bothers me most is that the Supreme Court has decided to change what it means to incorporate a company. A major reason (though by no means the only reason) to form a corporate entity is to shield individuals from particular obligations that are only applied to

My family is from near Sundsvall. Our claim to fame is ... farmers and fishermen? IDK, though I have a 3rd cousin who is a famous biologist, so that's something and publishes all the time (he's got hundreds of cites)


Was it Harald Greycloak? Blot-Sweyn? I'm totally intruigued now!

Was it Harald Greycloak? Blot-Sweyn? I'm totally intruigued now!

Oh sweet Lord, no. Just no.

Yeah, I don't find anything about these results to be shocking. Yes, obviously doing more exercise will help people lose a little bit of weight, but if that's the only thing that changes (a few 90 minute sessions of yoga) then I wouldn't expect someone to be shredding loads of fat. So much of weightloss and

Look up skeeter syndrome. I, apparently, have this and it is fucking awful. I've actually gone to the emergency room a few times because they were so large, hot, and painful that the skin was breaking. Some remedies I've found or had recommended to relieve the pain/itching after being bitten: clear nail polish, apple

Please don't. Just leave the poor guy alone. He never should have been dragged into this in the first place.

I always disliked him, but now that I know that, his Q just went up a little bit with this gal! Go Blue!

Really? I've never met a Republican who has mentioned that (though I don't go about talking about Rachel Maddow to my Republican friends and acquaintances). I once mentioned my major intellectual/activist crush on her to my best friend (who is a pretty reasonable Republican) and she just about lost her shit and went

-chen —> neuter. Example: der Biss —> das Bisschen

Too little, too late, Germany! After 2 years I can only carry on conversations at the farmers market because food was the only subject in my life there that was worth really learning about. F* you genativ!

I basically have the haircut, but I have no idea how to style it to look like this!

Clicked on this and for whatever reason remembered that there is a website where you can find out where Girl Scouts are selling cookies in your area and checked out for my zip code. Why yes, my state does have a 28.9% obesity rate among adults. Why do you ask?

I think they are both very pretty (though I tend to think that Lady Mary is more beautiful than J-Law), so I meant it as a compliment. But I can definitely understand not being overwhelmed by J-Law. I mean, we don't know any of these people personally, so getting really wrapped up in them doesn't make a lot of sense.