
Wasn't it a bit of a scandal a few years back when Crown Princess Victoria had her father walk her down the aisle? It isn't really the tradition in Sweden. Most couples I've known have walked down together. The man waiting at the alter and the bride being escorted by her father is more of an American/British thing.

I'm 30 and have had acne since I started college (I really thought I was in the clear with none in high school). I don't have many blackheads but I get tons of whiteheads and a fair amount of cystic acne. Here is what has helped me.

Where the hell is her armpit in that picture?!?!! It's super creepy.

Boyfriend and I will be about 4,200 miles apart on V-Day, so I will be waking up at 6am to skype with him (hopefully) and praying that his Valentine's postcard arrives in time. Then I'll go to the gym and get all hot and bothered (by running fast and picking up heavy things) before working until I feel like its time

I know! I was looking at this thinking "I could and would totally rock so much of this if I had monies."

I used to live in Southern California, but rarely went out to eat. Ann Arbor is a relatively inexpensive place (compared to SoCal) and don't know any servers because all my friends are other grad students. I'll just have to adjust my expectations up to 20% I suppose.

I really thought the standard was still 15%. Now I feel bad :-(

Sarajevo would be fantastic! Do you know if Americans need a visa to go there? I have another 6+ months left living in Germany and really ought to be planning more trips!

Papal infallibility relates to a very limited set of statements of faith in the Catholic Church. The last infallible statement by the Church was issued in the 1880s I believe (I think it was that Mary was bodily assumed to Heaven). Catholic teachings do not indicate that everything the Pope says or does are direct

Also, I think the millions and millions of dollars he has earned would count as something going right/well in a normal person's life. But apparently, boo hoo, people are still upset about that time he beat the bajeebus out of another person and expect him to take responsibility for his horrible actions. Life is so

You can definitely travel to Paris alone. I know people say that Parisians are rude (I didn't really have that experience. So long as you make some attempts at niceties such as "Bonjour!" with something akin to an accent, people are nice enough) but pretty much anywhere you're going to visit as a tourist is quite

My mom recently retired from teaching high school in a school where abut 50-60% of the students qualified for free lunch and they also received free breakfasts, so it does carry on to high school, at least in California.

But isn't that exactly the point? The average person who is exercising (not the average American) isn't going to be exercising much more than an hour a day. So if the goal is fat/weight loss, then burning more calories, even if more of them are coming from your glycogen stores, during that hour (or better yet, for

This kid is awesome! This is what I hope my future daughter(s) will be like.

I have had to show evidence that my cat is healthy (rabies certification, etc.) before flying her both domestically and internationally. And no, I do not need my cat to keep me calm on a flight (she has quite the opposite effect) but that's how we moved both times. I prefer not transporting her anywhere, she's fucking

Mine are at least a cup size different (maybe two, it's sort of hard to measure) and I basically "dress" the bigger one because I'd rather have the smaller one swimming in fabric than the bigger one busting out and double boobing all over the place.

Doing a 6 hour time difference at the moment, I can totally understand if she is getting annoyed by the lack of communication. We're supposed to skype every morning (my morning) so I've been getting up well before dawn and lately he's been in the middle of other things and we haven't actually spoken, just IM. It sucks

I go running past there once a week or so and there are ALWAYS people sitting on the blocks, having a snack, etc. and I always want to yell at them, but my German isn't good enough.

I dunno, my dad is in construction and I have never once in 30 years had the impulse to google any of his sites. Kids don't necessarily think of their parents as people so much. If they say they work construction, or as a cobbler, or whatever they might ask a few questions about what that means/entails and then move

Thank you for that! What a great way to start my morning.