
Maybe so, but it is consistent with the Catholic Church's overarching teaching of being open to life and God's workings. I personally don't agree with the idea that the morning after pill is aborting or anything like that, but they don't object on those grounds either. It is the same set of objections they have

This is fantastic! Lifting heavy can be so rewarding and provides plenty of health benefits, especially as we age. I'm glad she's sharing her story.

I pray that I will end up like my mom: 3 hours of labor with my older brother and 1.5 hours with me. Please let this be something that runs in the family because I seriously don't have birthing hips.

You know what a pastie is, right? So if badges usually go over your pec/breast the brass are worried about drawing attention to women's boobies because ... I dunno. I'm lost.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I've spent my day reading about the myriad ways that surveys are not actually providing us with information about people's true "preferences." Until that number gets north of 65% I'm not gonna be doing any celebratory handstands.*

Hahaha! That's awesome. Kids definitely pick up on that stuff. I distinctly remember being very mad at my cousin when we were about 5 or 6 because I asked him who his parents voted for and he said Reagan. I knew that wasn't good. The thing was, I realized a few years ago that this would have been after the 1988

My understanding of the issue was that the Doctrine of the Faith was more upset about the statements about the priesthood (which are related to the issue of ordaining women, but actually a much broader debate he is opening) more than anything else. He is basically stating that the Bishops are not heirs to Apostles in

Amen to that!

No, I mostly make fun of her (and indirectly her husband) because her husband insists the dogs love dressing up when as soon as he gets stuff out of the bag, they go hide. The doggies sometimes start panting wearing their little outfits and I feel bad. But they are tiny little dogs, so you're right that they probably

While I'm not afraid of someone throwing acid on me, I am TERRIFIED that I will spill it on myself when I'm cleaning or something. The fear of boiling water is an old one for me since I spilled boiling coffee on myself as a small child and couldn't eat anything hot until I was in my late teens because I was too

My best friend puts her little chihuahuas in a fancy looking carrier (not LV, thank goodness) and dresses them for the cold in SoCal and Vegas. I love that ridiculous woman, but yeah, its a bit silly unless they are flying somewhere with you.

My boyfriend does this except for my feet. I have the coldest feet in the world and he will carefully wrap them in blankets before warming up the rest of me so as to protect himself.

I find that when I fast (never done anything a long as this, just for religious purposes if it was a full day or IF otherwise) and I found that I had a TON of energy/clarity. Like, I could work so easily and just bust stuff out. Maybe I should go back to IF now that I'm thinking about it. It's probably the only way

I love them. I take a gummy multivitamin and I think the fact that there is a little bit of sugar in them is why I don't get a slightly upset stomach after eating them (which I get with regular multis). I just eat them after a meal as part of my dessert, so that the lipid soluble vitamins are properly absorbed. I

I thought Oz, but I'm pretty terrible at these things.

I sometimes wonder if Taylor should go talk to a therapist because she's 21 (correction, 23. Sorry) and still seems to get super attached to dudes she has been dating less than 2 months. Then again, if she became too well adjusted her business model would probably go to shit.

You get all the internet points I have to give today!

Norwegian will be SUPER easy. I learned Swedish at 20 (I heard it a bit growing up from my grandpa and an aunt) and it took work but the grammar is incredibly simple and similar to English. Norwegian is just Swedish with funny spelling (basically, don't hurt me Norwegians!)

This is what I would like my boyfriend to do if we ever decide to marry, including the not telling my mom (unless maybe he did it like an hour before we got engaged) because she would absolutely spoil any surprise.

This is what my boyfriend and I plan to do when/if (yes, that order) we get engaged. We'd rather support high skilled workers in the US to get the ring. He's a materials science engineer, so its sort of the same deal for him.