Oh man! The Tom-Kat story made me feel so good about myself - my German is really improving!!!!
Oh man! The Tom-Kat story made me feel so good about myself - my German is really improving!!!!
I really did just LOL right there. Bravo!
The fact that the kid knows the lyrics doesn't mean that his parents are bad or neglectful. One of the first songs my goddaughter could sing was a Black Eyed Peas song. She is now 5 and does booty dances to things like "I whip my hair" And she's an incredibly smart, sweet, funny, little girl who has incredibly…
Pyscho Mike is the sports reporter on a really popular LA rock station. Beyond that, no clue.
Good on Mark Wahlberg! That is so awesome and is hopefully an inspiration to other people pursuing academics later in life.
I think you are very right. The real pickle that they are facing is that people's partisan attachments form relatively early but do change when they are faced with very serious contradictions between the party's platform (and the Republicans have made this a platform issue) and their beliefs about fundamental beliefs…
OOOO! AND! It would probably fall under the interstate commerce clause, so the states couldn't regulate it. Then we'd just have to worry about a Republican super majority in the Senate while they also control the House and White House, but that's not toooo likely ...
Very well said. Thank you for contributing where many of us - registered Michigan voters - didn't get the opportunity to speak.
Dude, that is a FANTASTIC tattoo! I love it. Maybe not show her athleticism or be much for fashion, but that is seriously nice.
UCSD for similar reasons.
Well, if his politics are Baylor-esque, then UCR would probably be a pretty good fit, it would have just been UCLA where he would have felt himself the oppressed minority. I grew up in Riverside and know a number of people now affiliated with Baylor's seminary (though they went to Cal Baptist). Probably the best that…
Me too! It's really pretty from what I can see. I doubt I would spend $4300 for a dress, but if I had that money to burn I would love that dress.
Dangit! I missed this group! The Philipino group was awesome though.
You seem to think these are about motivating people to vote for Romney. I think they are about discouraging people (women) from turning out to vote. Depressing the other side's turnout is just as good as increasing turnout for your side. That's the point and there is some evidence to support the idea that this is an…
So Vogue Paris is trying to cash in on the Hunger Games, eh? Seems a little late, the Hunger Games has already left French theater from what I can tell.
A few years ago I get a phone call from my mom saying she needs my passport. I'm like, OK, I can send you a copy of it. This seems like a reasonable idea. She responds "No, no. I need your actual passport. We just saw Taken (that movie with Liam Neeson) where the daughter is kidnapped by slave traders in Paris and…
I liked Lenny alright in Hunger Games and he definitely has the flair for Hendrix as well, but there's just something about Andre 3000 that seems so right ...
I think Andre 3000 could do an excellent job as Hendrix. Good casting choice!
Dude, Boehner already does that. He just needs to learn some better application tricks.
Thanks! I know I'll get there, just taking soooo long.