I saw it and felt bad about myself. That self-hatred was then turned outward. I'm basically a terrible human being.
I saw it and felt bad about myself. That self-hatred was then turned outward. I'm basically a terrible human being.
I have schaudenfreude: my PhD is taking for-fucking-ever to finish and I'm mad that he's already gotten his (and it's real, so I can't even have that). So, since I don't know him and haven't seen how hard he worked, I'm just gonna sit over here and turn into a bitter old hag.
I too would be psyched by such gifts! My mom, on the other hand, was apparently furious with my dad when he bought her a vacuum for her birthday the first year after they got married. So perhaps there's something about timing that matters as well.
Dude, totally have been considering shoes like Kristen Wiig's. Hers are about $650 but there are some peacock ones that are like $50. Swoon ...
Do you think that was done by the same Taiwanese company that does the CGI clips of The Daily Show?
What the hell? LiLo, if you were willing to work with Tyra then we should have known you would grow to have no shame.
I'm a "converted" (I joined from another Christian faith tradition) Catholic and Sr. Catherine, at the university parish where I worked on my PhD is one of the most wonderful, loving, badass women I've ever met. She is very blunt when she needs to be but has never shown herself to be anything but loving when she is.…
I really did LOL to that description. You are so hearted.
That is fantastic. Also, is Michael Ealy in this? I've been a little in love with him since Sleeper Cell. He is such a pretty, pretty man.
I mean, you do still get to be surrounded by lots of really attractive people, so there's that.
You don't get to automatically be covered by health insurance in Scandinavia, or at least not in Sweden. If you aren't there for at least a year with an express purpose (e.g., a university program, a job contract) you have to buy private insurance. Not sure how much it is, but it's not the automatic free ride a lot of…
I disagree with your final point. On an individual basis it makes sense to only buy insurance when you expect to need it. But on a social basis that individual decision is causing all sorts of market distortion.s The reason you need to have everyone enrolled is exactly for the reason you state: by excluding healthy…
I first read this as "Cat Urban Outfitters Saves Itself" I was disappointed when I clicked the link to find it wasn't about clothes for hipster cats.
Thanks for sharing this. I have a good friend who is all about NFP. She had her husband wanted to wait a few years after they were married to have kids and she is now pregnant as planned. Not sure it would be for me since I am on BC to control hormonal imbalances which make my period super random (no period for 6…
Yeah, I absolutely agree that she is not any "everywoman." I'm just saying that it doesn't necessarily make a lot of sense for her to go to work. I'm not living in the US at the moment and am thankfully spared the minutia of the campaign, so I have no idea what all she was doing with her time once their kids were a…
No, that's true. But lots of them do so behind the scenes and by doing so remove themselves from labor markets in ways that make it incredibly difficult for them to reenter. I'm not sure what their eldest son's age is, but lets say there is a 10 year difference between the oldest and youngest. That means if she had…
That was so, so funny. Thank you for sharing.
By all accounts though she didn't have nannies. Not sure about cooks or whatever else, but it sounds like she was pretty hands on with her sons.
I think this is a bit unfair. She helped support her husband in the making of his career, and in so doing she never developed the professional skills that would make her hirable. She's never been in the labor market. She has no work history. And she continues to support her husband's political endeavors, something…
Of course there is nothing in the data about number of people (the NYT article talks about men who have been sexually assaulted and experienced the same diagnoses) diagnosed with personality disorders who complained of sexual assault. First of all, they wouldn't want to make that connection obvious for oversight…