
I’m going there... If a kid is injured doing something as dangerous as riding an ATV (especially under the required age for said dangerous item) its the parents fault. I don’t care if its standard protocol for the area, if all kids are doing it. It’s dangerous and allowing your kids to go on one is putting them in

Ha!! Yes!

Trampolines are FUCKING DANGEROUS AS SHIT!! My brother is a manger at a trampoline parks. He recently witnessed a 16 yr breaking his neck. He sat with him, waiting for the ambulance and went to the hospital with him until his parents got there. It shook him to his core. Poor kid will most likely be a paraplegic.

When a gif becomes actual real life

How does this not have more stars??? ALL THE STARS FOR YOU!

How can anyone in at this point deny climate change? How can even the evilest of orange pussbags ignore the ramifications of not giving it the attention it deserves? If for no other reason, he has grandkids that will be living in the hell that this world is becoming.

HOLY FUCK! That’s horrible!

Barely Famous is hilarious and I highly suggest it to everyone. Also, David Foster has creepy eyes. That’s all.

I loved this song! I say LOVED because there is no way to love anything that this human garbage fire creates.

President Donald Trump, a swollen bag of spoiled milk

I feel that way every time I see PRESIDENT TRUMP in text. As if my brain blocked it out like a bad memory until physically see it. And then screams THIS CANT BE REAL LIFEEEEEEEEE!!!

Man, that is heartbreaking. They seem like a very strong couple, I hope they are able to find their path to parenthood one day.

When Digital Getdown popped up during the wedding episode I died. DEAD. OVER.

I have a lab with a really rare auto immune disorder. I hugged the fuck out of her as I sobbed after seeing the trailer on TV. No thank you, Universal.

I can see how reading the book, to deal with a pets death and sob in the comfort of your own home... but going to a theater to see this?! WHY?!!! The trailer alone made me sob uncontrollably.

I can still remember sitting in 8th grad English class with my head down (as was the entire rest of the class) SOBBING as our teacher read us the final chapters of Where The Red Fern Grows.

possible dumb question but....

I read it as a FERRET supporter.