
You can actually have most cheeses as long as they are pasteurized which in the US they usually are. Lunch meat just needs to be heated for a few seconds and even sushi is fine if its cooked. I lived off cooked and veggie rolls when I was preggo. I spent 10 months making life, and for me if I wanted some fucking

Try not to be overtaken by the “what ifs”. My son was born with a completely random 1/10,1000 hearing disorder that was never picked up in any ultrasound. It was very scary at first, but honestly it’s something that we deal with and we live our lives like anyone else would. So, even if something (god forbid)

so, I just want to make sure I’m getting this correct, you had student in your class whose mothers had told THEM that they smoked pot while they were pregnant? And those students then told YOU that info?

I have absolutely no idea who this person is, but every time I see a picture of her she looks like she is 1 meltdown away from a rehab stint. And has a tit out.

Rob seems... well coked up in that video.

revoke their tax exempt status, for starters

Eh, I’m not sure a laughable is the correct word here...

I really tried to get into season 1. I love Damon Lindelof...had high hopes but it totally lost me. Is it really worth giving it another go?

2016: The year hope was brutally murdered by an orange monster.

Or at the very least, the actual spawn of evil

Anyone else see the resemblance btwn Vivian Kubrick and a young Shelly Duvall?

I actually saw it at a yard sale and bought it years ago and found an old VCR to watch it on. It was SO bad.

The Little Mermaid episode, she turns into sea foam because she wont hurt her prince. It devastated me as a kid!

There was scene with her last season-I think post NYE party-with a false eyelash sliding down, mascara everywhere and hair a mess. It was wonderful.

I grew up renting Fairy Tale Theater tapes from my local family owned pharmacy, and that’s where Shelly Duvall lives for me in my mind. Happy, childlike and unique. This is so very sad. I really hope she gets the help she so needs. Fuck man, mental heath is so important and so overlooked.

I can’t like this enough

The Beckham’s have WIRE HANGERS?!! Fuck man, that IS crazy!!

