
Veteran D&Der (ever edition from Advanced forward) here. While you and yours are certainly entitled to your opinions, the reason 5e is making Wizards money is because it’s the cleanest, most approachable, and arguably best version of the game that’s ever existed. If you don’t like it, that’s cool, go ahead and keep

??? I love 5e, as well as pretty much every group I have played with over the past 3 years. Especially new players. To each their own I guess. 

The most popular edition isn't well-received? Are you joking? Just because you have bias against it doesn't mean most people dislike it.

After watching it a couple more times, that’s got to be Lal in some form or another, which would work with the Kelvin changes and fit rather well with a number of the reveals.

I hate that a ban on racial discrimination doesn’t automatically and logically extend to a ban on discrimination of natural hair or ‘traditional’ hair styles.

Uh ok so you’re grossly misinformed on a lot of this, so I’m gonna try to educate you:

The same thing they’ll do if he wins. Fucking ruin Thanksgiving!

Jezebel: “Drink Jezebel’s piss, NRA-TV!”

Poor cat was truly agitated.

Lol it’s the term they used when I was schooled on the ways of the geiko/maiko. To quote those more knowledgeable than me..

I think about the time I posted the Margaret Atwood quote here and got flamed for days from men who thought it of vital importance that I recognize that it is #NotAllMen. They cited examples of all the times they got rejected and didn’t attack anyone (of course they didn’t get rejected very often because they were

It’s strictly a coincidence that the Polio vaccine innoculations and Ray Kroc’s aquisition of McDonald’s happened around the same period in time. Note that the number of reported cases of Polio dropped year by year as the number of McDonald’s outlets multiplied almost exponentially. So-called “scientists” and

meanwhile rapists walk away with no jail time :(

Plus, how often do you see an actual terrarium fire? It’s not a realistic thing to worry about.

Also, D&D from GoT, you see Trish’s whole arc? That’s how you do it. 

It’s just horseplay.  Surely everyone at your school back in the day strangled each other and masturbated on the loser, right?

Seriously. I need a Cheryl figure with voice chip that screams “You’re not my supervisor!” Also, a Carol figure with voice chip that screams “You’re not my supervisor!”

But they didn’t quit lying. The episode ends with Anthony Mackie still not admitting it to his wife and he is still playing the game.

expanded Dune universe novels.