
Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries - The books are the classic 1920's mysteries while at the same time dealing with many ‘modern’ problems. Plus we got a rarity in the genre, an ‘older’ woman who is not only fabulous, well dressed and smart but also has the sex she wants with who she want and isn’t thought less of for it?

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As soon as Reynolds appears in a movie with talking animated animals.. it’s over.

Yeah! Those prequels are trash. Not like Ep 4, 5, & 6 with nary a flirtation, expression of (hetro)sexuality or romance.

So weird question but... where do you think one could purchase some of those creepy little plastic fetuses without giving money to the crazies? I am a fan of the ‘pickled punk’ genre of sideshow attractions and the idea using some of those medically questionable but undeniably eerie models as a base for a werewolf

In my brief time in WoW, I made my money by selling kittens. It took a week to run a naked baby NE all the way to Gadgetzan but once I got her there, I had my Alliance main send her kittens to sell to the Horde for 200% markup.

Lemme blow your mind...

Yeah, in the 30+ years since the Clones Wars I could see a faction painting him as a savior/ hero type character versus his real motivations and actions.

She mentioned that the extra besker will sponsor many ‘foundlings’ to which he mentions he was one too. The use of the word ‘foundling’ versus orphan implies the finding of children and bringing them into the group instead simply adopting existing clan orphans but I have a feeling we’ll get some more clarification

The simple answer is kinda? In the old EU, Mandalorians as we knew them were a culture not a race that swung between conqueror and protector depending on the time period. The belief that one’s actions were the thing that defined you as a ‘true’ Mando was wide spread among the more moderate factions and many clans

It’d be nice to re-introduce some of the old EU in.

Speaking of ladies, the smith. She had protrusions on her helmet. My first thought was ‘Oh shit we got ourselves a zabrak’ but in the profile shot they seems to be in a single plane. Now I can’t decide if they are zabrak horns or just decorative elements on the helmet.

Fine, would you prefer the parlance of the right? Facts don’t care about your feelings.

And dildos tend to bring actual pleasure to people.

This actually the golden age of 1/6 scale genitals as numerous companies sell high quality, anatomically correct silicon bodies that Barbie and Ken’s heads (and wardrobes) can migrate onto. There are even after market kits that come with a variety of erect wangs ranging from ‘oh my •ᴗ• ’ to ‘Dear God how can you walk

It’s... weird but it is -roughly- how one makes egg drop soup.

Also there were some very strong right wing vibes in the original ending. I hope the new ending is a bit more nuanced. 

One hand it’s awesome we’re getting more diversity and by making Larry a PoC we get around some of his problematic coding

I have a reusable metal lunch tin that I love.

That’s the thing, Daredevil was canceled almost a year ago, yet somehow Charlie Cox (Matt), Deborah Ann Woll (Karen) and Elden Henson(Foggy) haven’t started any new projects. More than that, Mike Colter (Luke Cage, Finn Jones (Iron Fist) , even Rachael Taylor (Trish Walker) and Carrie Ann Moss (Jeryn Hogarth) who’s