
edited for duplicate 

My understanding is that there -is- an unedited Original Trilogy that’s pretty widely available, it’s just hiding in plain sight and not as nice as we’d like.

Original unaltered trilogy

YES! And it’s even crazier when through some unknowable series of events one of these guys end up with a girlfriend, it’s not considered ‘real’. She is only an incel quality girl so she really doesn’t count. They build this world where nothing is ever enough and there is no escape even when all the evidence points to

They sell water bags meant for hurricanes that you place in your tub and fill up before a storm. Unless a disaster is incredible sudden, it might be easier to find room for a toaster sized box that you can open and fill with a 100 gallons of clean water in the time it takes to fill a bath then storing dozens of jugs

Yep, the book is really problematic by a modern reading. Female characters’ contributions to the story are almost exclusively to provide depth and motivation for the male ones. This is mostly through their sexual availability or lack there of all while actually doing very little themselves. Frannie might be a lead

There are surprising amount of violence in PG13 movies, look at films like the Hunger Games or Harry Potter or Taken.

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You might be onto something as one of the set visit videos Netflix release had Gaten(ie Dustin) touring the basement set and it was decorated for Christmas, down to 6 stocking for each of the younger kids. My pet theory is that they went for few episodes for Season 3 so they could shoot a Christmas special/miniseries

Going to agree with you as the recently released on the set visit video showed X-mas decorations up in the basement set. I almost wonder if they went with a shorter season to then shoot a Christmas special/mini season back to back with the season 3 shooting schedule, going for a Christmas 2019 release.

I’m conflicted. The Stand was my gateway to post-apocalyptic literature and I loved both the book and the miniseries (that opening credit scene!). But when they first announced this I went back and reread it as an adult only to find it’s pretty problematic.

Female characters’ contributions to the story are almost

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Swim out past breakers and watch the world die.

But don’t you know it’s all the lady’s fault?

I’m sure. That’s why the same people are pushing just as strongly for a stronger safety net for pregnant women, policies that lower mother and child mortality rates, better education and & contraception access, improved family leave, reforming the foster/adoption system to produce better outcomes ...

...oh wait.

I mean yeah but it’s the ability for those people to hide their petty cruelty BEHIND those reasonable sounding descriptors that really bothers me. So when news like this comes out, it strips away the fig leaves hiding these people’s illusionary earnestness and forces them to stand in the public square, admitting

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It is what Jonathan calls the Night King on Gay of Thrones.

But for the real question, will adult men’s boners be hurt by this?

Yeah, do something in the post-Young Indiana Jones pre-Raiders time period, maybe during his time under the guidance of Dr Ravenwood and throw a slightly up-aged Marion in there to help retcon the creepy underage romance angle. I even know who should play her...

And force these guys to actually compete in the sexual marketplace by treating women like human beings and not being fucking loathsome assholes? Nah, why bother when you got a 12 pack of Nattie Ice, a culture that tells you that it’s your right to bang women and consent is only for the cops to search you during that

If someone had told me Season 1 that I’d actually miss Quentin, I would have called you a liar but hell if they didn’t do it. Good job the Magicians writers, directors & actors.