
Where’s the city’s sense of outrage and desire for personal compensation to ‘send a message’ when a cop shoots an unarmed kid?

In my passing understanding of South East Asian culture, you have basically described a karaoke box . In places where living arrangements are tight or include mixed generations, karaoke boxes offer places for people to hang out and have fun away from home. While once just for singing, more and more they are showing

The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t. Not without your help. But you’re not helping.

Or maybe genuinely decent people are secure enough with their decency that they DGAF if somewhere out there exists a piece of media that maybe might not paint them as goodies. I’m a decent person and not murderous mutant creatures focused solely on killing and tasting the blood of the living so I’m pretty sure this

The BF wears his running and loves them, despite the fact that twice now he has been been mistaken for a lady and commented at.

The BF wears his running and loves them, despite the fact that twice now he has been been mistaken for a lady and commented at.

Really? There is a whole website that spawned a cookbook based on the food from the series and THAT’S what they decide to make? They could of had Honeyed Chicken and Lord Manderly Pie and Direwolf bread and Lemon cakes and they went with scrambled eggs and grits? Ugh

But look at Brolin in Deadpool 2. Even with his fuck boi hair cut, his Cable is not what I would call traditionally handsome. Replace a psy-scar with one from an inkvine and and I think it’s a good fit.

Do a mix of ‘found footage’ and a few reenactments and you’re golden.

With other of their series like the Grand Tour, they release them weekly as opposed to a Netflix dump.

While events were talked about like the Amazons killing trans men in certain areas, I never read the comic as ‘all trans dudes are hookers now’. It’s been a few years since I read the series but I want to say it was during a conversation between a sex worker who was talking to someone(Yorick) they assumed was like

But how would the pro-choice win this? Asking women who have had these incredibly hard experiences to re-live them again and again for some ghoulish attempt to change the minds of people who will best case say if only they prayed real hard God would have restarted their 3 week dead baby’s heart. Or worse case those

Yeah, contrary to the narrative spun by certain factions, women don’t get 3rd trimester abortion because they were too busy burning bras, slutting it up and cutting off dudes’s ball to get in sooner. Those late term abortions are over whelming for deceased fetuses or ones that tests that couldn’t be done sooner come

Yes, yes but how many of those new characters will be fuckable enough for grown ass adults? And if they aren’t what kind of message does that send our children?

Now playing

This is the Lost Boys follow up we deserve.

Guess I know what the queen of the fairies has been up to since the last season of the Magicians. 

The way I look at it, after almost 20 years of conflict in the gulf, people have been educated about PTSD through the sorts of people middle aged white folks unerringly support, the fresh faced, America loving veterans. How it’s been portrayed on their media and who suffers from it has expanded and suddenly it clicks

I remember reading an article about parent caretakers of children in long term states like these and in it there was a discussion about using medication to delay the onset of puberty, thus making these patients easier to care for by doing away with menstruation( with the added ‘benefit’ of keeping their bodies smaller

Bonus points for the posts complaining that the female bear’s round shape is sending the wrong message to young girls while completely ignoring the roundness of the bro bears.

Countdown till people start complaining that they aren’t fuckable enough.