
Funny you should say that, given the plot of the book...

The irony is that purely going on what the Bible says, abortion would be more of property matter, and only in the context of spelling out fines paid to the father if someone caused his wife’s miscarriage.

See I thought the title was a reference the strangely similar tight shots in about a million adult films, featuring the same over the top enthusiasm to other young ladies have playing with their jingle bells.

Truthfully goldfish are like dogs in that tank size and filter style depend on the breed. Though unlike dogs, goldfish can take years to grow to full size, leaving new owners plenty of time to upgrade their living arrangements as time and budgets allow. With the common goldfish, while they can grow to a foot in length

I personally think the problem with the Narnia books, and by extension the movies, isn’t their religious themes but more their incredibly dated morality. Lewis’s version what should be, projected onto a fantasy world is defined by a culture 50+ years ago that holds up a particular flavor of Christianity, absolute and

Off the top of my head I can think of the Prime Minsters of New Zealand and Serbia. The former isn’t married but travels with her boyfriend to help take care of their baby and the later is from a country that has no same sex union recognition. Things get even murky if the full scope what is considered ‘married’ isn’t

Looks like foreign diplomats and U.N. staff working here in the United States so Obergefell has no baring on the marriage practices of other countries. 

I can be thankful that the majority of the people I table top with aren’t that bad and both my active groups are run by fellow ladies.

While we don’t eat them, the bodies from fur farm are used. They are usually sent to rendering plants where the meat is used to make pet and animal feed, the bones for bonemeal and the fat for everything from manufacturing to cosmetics.

Normally I’m fine with it. I think sex, like violence or humor is just another story type and when used and written well it can add a lot to a story. But these were children and I wasn’t comfortable with that. 

The worse part was that was all one player. They also have a tendency to play a ‘type’ of character. You know the one, the female character who’s supposed to be smart and strong but is actually played as dumb and having poor impulsive control because the player is those things and their shitty characterization is

I was able to glean that it’s some kind of RPG set in Sweden in the 80s and 90s, in a world where the government has some kind of advanced technology, maybe?

Basically yeah. TftL was my first go at DMing and the system puts an emphasis on storytelling versus combat. Without the need to balance stats, I could easily make up my own story and set it in fictional version of my home town. The hardest part of the whole thing was repeatedly reminding my players they were 10

Preach. For a ‘barely there’ costume, literally only his face and arm are exposed with the rest stuck under layers of heat trapping silicone and foam.

My first thought is slush casting but the mold shown above might just be one half of a 2 part mold.

Oh yeah it was live yesterday but I guess they lost power around 4:30AM. For a while before that it was nothing but blackness and the roar of the wind but now it’s been replaced with their highlights.

As is their way, the Internet has named the flag Kevin and mourn for his situation. 

That’s because that isn’t a live stream, instead it’s part of their highlight reel.

Did someone say political parody mystery novel?