They're up to 320gb for the slim []
They're up to 320gb for the slim []
I know you're joking, but it is entirely possible that the high-res pack will make the game better and more fun. I was constantly frustrated while trying to snipe during the beta because of muddy textures and lousy draw distance. If the pack fixes that, I'd enjoy the game much more.
Only installing the multi disc and the HD shouldn't be a problem. However, I haven't had a disc install be less than 4gb and they're usually closer to 6.
"Motherfucker!" would also be accepted.
I approve of this comment. +1
I'm sure any Halloween will work. I can't imagine they'd allow an achievement that you only have one shot at getting.
While that would be awesome, I also think it's a lot less likely.
Here's hoping for a XBLA & PSN release of both III and Vice City.
It's been true for pretty much the entire life of the 360, though. The problem I have is that developers like to push the bleeding edge of graphics capability instead of going for the smooth presentation.
I believe that reviews should mention things like an online pass, but it shouldn't affect the score. I want the score to be an indication of how much the game was enjoyed.
I have nothing against better graphics, but what I want most right now is this generation's graphics without the fill and frame-rate issues. Please get everything nice and smooth before pushing the envelope (FWIW, I haven't played Gears 3, so I'm not commenting on that game specifically).
Most people probably already know this song, but the headline made me want to listen to it so I thought other people might want to hear it as well.
I think that means they stole yours to give to someone who buys it used.
Apparently some women find confidence sexy. Just don't get that mixed up with arrogance. That way lies douchetard-ness.
Nice :)
There's a demo out now for The Run for Live Gold members []
She was also excellent in Life. Another short-lived show.