Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

Oh, Atlus, you so crazy!

I'm not saying a simulation can't be fun, I'm saying that true simulators are not games. Games that include some sort of simulation are a different beast than a pure simulator.

Games should be fun. Simulator =/= Game

He's an executive, so he probably actually believes it. At least when he said it.

If you don't want to make a strategy game because it won't sell enough, that's obviously within your rights as a developer/publisher, but don't feed us bullshit like "this is not just a commercial thing."

If you have some perverse desire to be all accurate about shit, then yes.

If you have some perverse desire to be all accurate about shit, then yes.

I don't play anything except strategy games.

It's a little less brilliant now that someone has pointed out I'm thinking of the wrong company :P

God damn me, you're right.

If your job demands a constant connection to the internet, then get a business line. Don't use a consumer line for business and then bitch that they don't treat you like a business.

I'd be right there with you.

I love the internet and go a little crazy when I don't have access to it, but comparing broadband to water and electricity is fucked up. No one ever died because they couldn't watch Netflix.

Positive: A new Peggle every year!

I completely agree that MSP only is a bad idea. I do like their current model where you can use MSP (which is nice for a 360 owner like me) or a credit card.

I can't say that was never the case, but it's certainly not true now.

Or you could go to if xbox. com is just too offensive. There's even a link for it at the bottom of the page that is cut off in the above image.

Games for Windows Live doesn't require Microsoft points.


I think it's weird to get drunk and ramble on TV for an hour, but I don't make an asshole of myself over it.