Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

I agree that anyone discussing what games should be or be used for need to know what the hell they're on about, but I don't have any problem with SCOTUS ruling in the abstract. All that matters is that games are a form of speech and therefore protected from government censorship.

Or you could get it at BB for $10, trade it in to Amazon for $11 and use that credit to get the GOTY version when/if it comes out.

Gabe Newell. I don't like a challenge.

Hell yes.

They have a pretty tenuous grasp on "fun" as well.

Which makes me very glad it's also easy to block apps.

Sometimes the confederate flag just means that you like running from the cops and jumping shit.

I'll just leave these here....

These might help:

I've never seen Fallout misspelled so badly.

Zork wasn't the only text adventure.

I'd think that at least some of facebook's success is also tied to Zynga. Both of my parents have facebook accounts purely to play games, most of which are Zynga's.


Hey, zarathustra2k1, insulting starred commenters isn't going to get them to approve you.

That's kind of odd.... Thanks for letting me know.

What does "how do I get bow???" mean?

I can't find any flaws in that plan.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! Kill the hacker!!!!

No! Standard pliers are made of metal!!!! Fillings should only be removed by repeatedly bashing your face into a wall or floor!

Lightning "storms" are not nature, they are the government trying to hack you!