Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

Fool! The hackers are the ones who spread the myth that a foil hat is a good thing!

Some people may not know, you don't even need a phone line to be hacked! If you have metal wires or possibly even aluminum foil anywhere near your house YOU ARE AT RISK!!!!!

Given what an annoying little shit I was at 17 (even worse than now!), I'll give the kid a pass.

There's definitely a law that says you can't let your underage kid drink.

It may just be "fag" that is slang for cigarette.

Also can be slang for "cigarette."

It's pretty close and it is pronounced the same....

Guy trolls a mom while saying fuck a bunch of times.

I love Requiem for a Dream, but I suck at fighting games. I hope this sells really well to people who are not as old and slow as me, though!

You must not be saying it loudly enough :)

So they're not evil, just stupid? Good argument, Capcom!

Shadow Complex is very fun, but I waited to get that on discount too :) This is how I justify my gold subscription to Live.

I don't play Minecraft.

$10 is my upper limit for XBLA games. I don't even like to buy retail games until I can get them for $20 or less.

And the sequels and cash cows give developers the money necessary to makes bets on new IPs.

I'll wait until they eventually become deals of the week.

I have a bigger problem with the game (apparently) only having one save slot.

Nintendo didn't invent this concept.

In a perfect world we'd have both Frisky and Archer.

I miss Frisky Dingo so much.